SAINT NICK: Санта Клаус - код по каталогу компании "Funware": FW
1009. Выпуск - 4 квартал 1983. Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $44.95 - Действительное название - "St. Nick". Эта игра на картридже - одна из девяти развивающих игр, объявленных к изданию президентом компании "Funware" (и бывшим сотрудником корпорации "Texas Instruments") Майклом Брузерсом (Michael Brouthers) в июне 1983 г. на ярмарке "Consumer Electronics Show". Эти девять программ: Ambulance, Ant Colony,
Astroblitz, Cave Creatures, Crisis Mountain, Driving Demon, Pipes,
Saint Nick и Trashman. Всего лишь три из объявленных девяти программ увидели свет и поступили в продажу: Ambulance, Driving Demon и St.
Nick, прежде всего потому, наверное, что компания "Funware" в середине 1983 года была продана компании Пола Жужело (Paul Zuzelo) Creative Software. В игре "St. Nick" колдуньи творят заклинания против эльфов Санта-Клауса, превращая этих милых помощников с совершенно бестолковые создания. Это значит, что заколдованные эльфы крадут все игрушки у Санта-Клауса и разбрасывают их вокруг. Играющий должен помочь дедушке Санта-Клаусу собрать все игрушки за указанное время, чтобы не опоздать к Рождеству. В этой игре используется джойстик.
CITY: One of the 'never released cartridge titles for the
TI-99/4A. "Copyright Texas Instruments 1981. This looks like it is the
original version of what TI officially released under the name
"Tombstone City". We have it as an EA5 loadable program file on disk
857B. There are two graphic differences between this and Tombstone
City. 1- The title shows as "Saguaro City". 2- There are Saguaro cacti
constantly on display in the upper left and right of the screen, but
dead bad guys (morgs) are displayed as tombstones in the desert outside
of town. In the officially released game (Tombstone City) the dead
morgs all look like cacti and there are no tombstones. It seems to me
that TI got its names mixed up. The title "Tombstone City" should go
with the (never released) that shows the tombstones, and "Saguaro City"
should have been the title to the (officially released) version that
shows all the cacti." (Charles Good Lima BB&P Newsletter Feb 1994)
Alien craft that are one of eight hazards in the Parsec game.
Released 1Q/1982 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $39.95 in 1982, $29.95 in 1983 -- The Savage
Island series begins on the edge of an impenetrable jungle. As you
explore the island in this two-part series you may meet some very
unusual creatures. Either become the world's greatest hero, or
experience a quick, horrible death. Requires disk, disk drive for PHD
5054 or cassette, cassette program recorder and program recorder cable
are required for PHT 6054. Either software database requires the
Adventure Module PHM 3041 to run the Savage Island series database.
NEW YORK: Commodore 64 game cartridge released in 1983 by
Creative Software.
HOWARD E.: Programmed the Scott, Foresman Multiplication 2
cartridge for the TI-99/4A.
HENRI: Houston User Group member and employee of Ryte Data
South, the short-lived American arm of Bruce Ryan's Ryte Data company.
Schlereth and Judi Beckett were the entire Ryte Data South Company,
formed in May 1987, but which closed in October 1987.
MICKEY: See MS Express Software.
SPELLING - LEVEL 3: scholastic3 PHM 3059 - Released 2Q/1982 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $59.95 -- Levels 3-6 contain 36 lessons and 3 spelling games. Each
of the 36 lessons has 20 spelling words. Every sixth lesson is a review
with 20 words from the previous five lessons. Students can select any
of the 36 lessons and any of the three games for a total of 108
different activities. The first game, "Spelling Bee", is a drill and
practice spelling game of diminishing clues. The second game, "That Did
It", develops proficiency is spelling patterns of the English language.
The third game, "Space Race", tests spelling proficiency in game
format. All four modules were developed in conjunction with Scholastic
Publishing Company Inc. These four modules 'enjoy' the distinction of
having the largest packaging of any cartridge program manufactured for
the TI-99/4A. The 1051477-2 cardboard box that was used to hold
the 1051495-001 cardboard tray, which in turn held the unnumbered
plastic tray used for 'normal' software packaging, the 1035994-1
newsprint workbook and the 1053591-1 red colored cardstock cover
measured 8.5" x 11" in size. It is safe to say I
think, that the packaging for these four cartridges is probably more
rare than the cartridges themselves. A Solid State Speech Synthesizer
is required to use these four cartridges.
Scholastic Inc. credits Amy Levin and Mary Jane Martin as
being the originators of the program's concept; Rush Hinsdale as the
designer; Paul Cohen as the Music Consultant, with the Space Race music
being composed by Danny Bergen. Activity Book credits include Amy
Levin, Editor; Bernice Golden, Writer; Mary Mars, Senior Art Director;
Steven Guarnaccia, Illustrator; Doug Taylor, Cover Illustrator; Nancy
J. Smith, Production Editor.
SPELLING - LEVEL 4: PHM 3060 - Released 2Q/1982 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $59.95 --
1035995-1 newsprint workbook and the 1053591-2 dark green colored
cardstock cover. See Level 3 above for more information.
SPELLING - LEVEL 5: PHM 3061 - Released 2Q/1982 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $59.95 --
1035996-1 newsprint workbook and the 1053591-3 orange
colored cardstock cover. See Level 3 above for more
SPELLING - LEVEL 6: PHM 3062 - Released 2Q/1982 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $59.95 --
1035997-1 newsprint workbook and the 1053591-4 dark blue colored
cardstock cover. See Level 3 above for more information.
User Comments (provided by John E. Taylor and other members
of the Shoals 99er User Group in 1985): The Scholastic Spelling modules
provide spelling practice for 600 different words in each module. The
words are divided into 36 lessons of 20 words each, with each 6th
lesson being a review of 20 words from the last 5 lessons. When the
program begins, you are asked for a lesson number to study. After
selecting a lession, the computer lists all the words on the screen and
speaks them. You can then choose from 3 different activities. SPELLING
BEE says a word and then asks you to spell it. You can ask for clues
consisting of vouls or consonants. If you answer correctly, a butterfly
flies across the screen as a short song plays. THAT DIT IT! is a
hangman type game. SPACE RACE is just like spelling bee except that no
clues are given, and instead of a butterfly you get a spaceship flying
across the screen. All four modules follow the same format.
I must admit that I had been tempted to purchase at least one
of these modules at the retail price of $49. When TexComp dropped the
price to $20 for all four, I couldn't resist. Boy, am I glad I didn't
pay full price for them! I am more disappointed with these modules than
with any other software that I've purchased for my computer. The speech
used is the TEII type speech which is very hard to understand, and
after spelling a few words, the butterflies and spaceships along with
the crummy little songs that accompany them get to be too much to bear.
The manual says that after you complete a lesson by correctly spelling
all 20 words, you get a longer musical reward, but the kids couldn't
understand the spoken words well enough to spell them, and I couldn't
stomach the short songs long enough to get that far. I can't believe
that anyone could take it for 600 words. The only bright thing about
these modules is the manual. Each one comes with a workbook for the
kids, and mine really enjoyed them. All in all, I think you can find
much better educational software to spend your money on.
TECH: A California firm that reportedly contacted MG's Craig
Miller to write an operating system for a planned 99/4A Ram Disk in
February 1985. The company never surfaced publically, and the Ram Disk
never appeared. (MICROpendium Feb85, p.28)
FACTS: PHD 5085 - Release Announced 4Q/1982 -
Release Cancelled 2Q/1983 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $29.95 -- One of eleven math and
science programs developed by the Minnesota Educational Computing
Consortium (MECC) for grades one through eight. These programs are
standard, in-school computer programs. Requires disk, disk drive and
controller, and Extended BASIC Command Module. Listed in
1982-83 Elek-TEK catalog for $24.95. Although this program and the
other 10 titles from Minnesota Educational Computing Company are listed
in TI's June-December 1982 'U.S. Consumer Products Suggested Retail
Price List', neither it nor the other titles were ever released.
TI's explanation for the cancellation was that the MECC products
duplicated educational themes that already existed in the 99/4A's
library of software.
* PHD 5078 - Metric and Counting
* PHD 5079 - Elementary Economics
* PHD 5080 - Elementary Math and Science
* PHD 5081 - Astronomy
* PHD 5082 - Word Beginnings
* PHD 5083 - Exploring
* PHD 5084 - Math Practice
* PHD 5085 - Science Facts
* PHD 5086 - Natural Science
* PHD 5087 - Social Science
* PHD 5088 - Teacher's Toolbox
* HSM 1010 Frog Jump
* HSM 1020 Picture Parts
* HSM 1030 Pyramid Puzzler
* HSM 1040 Star Maze
* HSM 1050 Number Bowling
* HSM 1060 Space Journey
* HMS 1405 Attendance Recorder
* HSM 1406 Class Data Recorder
* HSM 1408 School Mailer
* HSM 1411 Payroll Assistant
* HSM 1412 Personnel Data Recorder
* HSM 1413 Activity Accountant
* HSM 1414 Accounting Assistant
* HSM 1415 Salary Planner
* HSM 1416 Property Manager
Mathematics Course Manager is another application developed for Scott,
Foresman and Company by EduSystems Inc. Although it is not part of the
School Management Applications, the literature I have includes the
Course Manager description because it aligns closely with the CLASSROOM
LEVEL packages in the SMA system, and can be used with the same
hardware as the SMA system requires. A requisite for Course Manager use
is that the teacher is using books 3 through 8 of the Scott, Foresman
Mathematics program. These are text books produced by Scott, Foresman.
Course Manager is designed to simplify the management of
teaching with these books by correlating the objectives in each chapter
with the test results for an individual student or an entire class. The
software provides the teacher with specific page references for
reteaching or enriching students who have failed or passed the
grade-level objectives.Each data diskette used with the Course Manager
can hold the names of 40 students, the scores of up to 49 chapter, unit
and end-of-book tests for each of the 40 students, to a maximum of 1960
test scores.Package Cart Disk Title Price ISBN 30447-7 30448 30456
Mathematics Course Manager $450.00 0-673-30447-7
FORESMAN: School Management Applications
1Q/1982 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $109.90 -- Your TI Home Computer and the Scott, Foresman
Speaking Math Teacher provide the ideal environment for your child to
learn mathmatics. The three Command Modules-Addition and Subtraction 1
for grades K through 2, Addition and Subtraction 2 for grades 1 through
3, and Multiplication 1 for grades 3 throtics. The three Command
Modules - Addition and Subtraction 1 for grades traction 2 for grades 1
through 3, and Multiplt"world of words" an even more exciting one with
two instructive Command Modules: Early Reading for grades K through 2
and Reading Fun for grades 1 through 3. The modules were developed by
TI in conjunction with Scott, Foresman and Company, a leading
educational publisher. The Early Reading module requires the TI Speech
Synthesizer (sold separately), while the Speech Synthesizer is optional
with the Reading Fun module. With synthesized speech, the computer's
voice gives directions and guides your child in an attention-getting
Springfield, MO 65805. A Multilevel Marketing (pyramid sales technique)
firm specializing in TI-99/4A hardware and software in 1983.
Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена |
MIKE: See MS Express Software.
Ltd. - STA 102 - Released 1984 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $36.95 -- Helps search and rescue
efforts for downed aircraft and/or lost people. The user inputs
variables such as terrain, weather and medical history of the lost
individuals if known. The computer will give survival time of the lost
persons and the optimum manpower utilization for rescue operations.
Cartridge software. This cartridge is listed on page 32 of the Fall
1984 Unisource catalog, but I have never seen it in the flesh. Based
upon its intended use, and the liklihood that few were ever purchased
because of that, I would say it is among the rarest of cartridges for
the TI-99/4A.
ELECTRONIC REVOLUTION SALE: sears ad A sale on electronics
products (including the TI-99/4A Home Computer) that were available at
Sears in June 1983. The sale included national advertising in
magazines, including this full-page ad found in the June 1983 issue of
Games magazine on page 1. The ad also included Sears Electronic
Corrector Typewriter, a Uniden Cordless Phone and an Atari 5200 video
game console. The verbage for the TI-99/4A reads, "TEXAS
INSTRUMENTS TI-99/4A COMPUTER This personal computer has built-in 16K
Random Access Memory. With the TI Memory Expansion Card and Mini-memory
Module (both sold separately), it's expandable up to 52K. Includes
alpha-numeric keyboard; color, music, and sound capbilities." The
verbage for the Atari 5200 reads, "An exciting home video system with
expanded electronic memory for sharp color graphics. The video sounds
make you feel like you're at the arcade. Comes with Super Breakout game
ANALYSIS: PHM 3012 - Released 1Q/1980 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $54.95 -- A Texas
Instruments produced Solid State Software command module for stock
market investors. Originally released as Investment Analysis in 1979,
although I've never seen an actual command module with that label on
it. According to the documentation (1037109-112), "Offers you a variety
of securities analysis techniques - important financial tools that can
help you make sound investment decisions." Designed to provide
evaluation of investment alternatives. The 24K of bank-switched code in
the module contained an implementation of the Black-Sholes Options
Pricing technique that would solve for option values and hedge ratio,
or the implied volatility of a stock. Option writing was also supported
in the evaluation of the purchase of underlying stock on a call option
or the shorting of stock on a put option. Determination of Option
spreads were supported by a section of the program that could calculate
the cash flow resulting from selling and buying call options on the
same underlying stock. Bond purchase decisions were supported through
the ability to compute the annual yield to maturity or market price.
Finally, Securities Analysis offered a set of Basic Financial Tools
that covered compound interest, annuities, variable cash flows and days
between dates. Limited printing was supported to a TI Thermal printer.
Came with a 63 page manual. Originally sold for $54.95 when introduced
in 1980, was reduced to $39.95 by 1983, but never went lower than
$19.95 even after the bailout by TI, since the module was seen as one
of the most valued that TI ever produced for the 99/4 and 4A.
ENTERPRISES: An acronym for SErvice GAmes, a company started in
Japan in 1951 by American David Rosen, who returned after World War II
to marry his Japanese girlfriend. SEGA was acquired by Gulf &
Western in 1970, parent company to Paramount pictures. Under this
ownership SEGA would become a major player in the video arcade games
industry of the 1980s and 1990s.
TI PRINTERS: See Axiom TI Printers.
JIDAI: Not-Polyoptics-tape only - Released 1982 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $18.00 -
A warfare simulation based on the period in Japanese history called the
Age of Warring States. Each player has a castle stronghold and four
armies made up of samurai, archers, and foot soldiers. Casualties are
computed according to terrain, strength and luck. Each game takes place
on a different, randomly generated map board. For 2 or 3 players. TI
PHM 3150 - Released 4Q/1983 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $49.95 -- One of the
Arcade Plus Series of games cartridges made by Milton Bradley Company
for the TI-99/4A. According to the documentation (1053590-1050), "A
bomb is hidden deep in the city's sewer system. Can you help our hero,
Dave, who works for underground Sewer Central, race through two pipe
mazes and find the bomb?" The game sports a Demo Mode that is displayed
after the title screen. It also supports speeech synthesis or use of
the MBX (Milton Bradley Expansion) system. No credit given to
programmer or instruction manual design other than "Milton Bradley
Asgard U9105 disk -- Released 1992 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $14.95 -- Billed as the
"Ultimate CHARA editor!" SGW is the last word in CHARA1 character set
editors! This program allows you to edit an entire CHARA1 character set
at once in a WYSIWYG window at assembly speed with your joystick.
Included are a wide collection of commands that make modifying or
creating character sets a breeze. You can edit "double-sized" character
sets with all 256 characters defined. Save your character set as source
code for use in your XB, Fortran 99, c99 and UCSD Pascal programs.
Generate 'transliterate' files from graphics designs to create custom
TI-Writer graphics. Even import CSGD graphics into a character set.
SGW's a great tool for anyone that finds generating graphics tedious.
SGW requires a disk system with expanded memory, the E/A or XB module,
and a joystick. By Sylvain.
Atarisoft RX 8518 - Released 4Q/1983 - MSRP $44.95 -- TI-99/4A version
of the game originally created by William Mataga for the Atari 800. Tom
Griner (of Choplifter fame) later ported to the VIC-20 and that Jack L.
Thornton ported it to the C64. In the game, you are the Shamus and your
goal is to reach the very core of the Shadow's Lair and destroy him. At
the beginning, pressing the + key allows you to select level of
difficulty; novice, experienced, or advanced. The goal of reaching the
Shadow's Lair is accomplished by progressively exploring each level of
the Lair and accumulating the greatest number of points, bonuses and
lives you can accumulate. The Lair consists of four levels; Black,
Blue, Green and Red, in order of progressive difficulty. Lurking in the
Lair are dangerous henchman such as the Spiral Drones and Robo-Droids
who are armed with disruptors, and Snap Jumpers, who are self-propelled
annihilators that cannot think. Shamus' only weapon are a supply of
ION-SHIVS (Ionic-Short High Intensity Vaporizers). They are capable of
destroying any life form that is not wearing Tri-Gamma body armor.
SHANZER, HERB: Texas Instruments executive.
MARK: Chief Executive Officer of Texas Instruments during the
TI-99 Home Computer era. Retired in April 1988.
SHIRAS: Technology Engineer at Commodore Electronics who left
the company to join Jack Tramiel at Atari.
WILLIAM: Bell Labs scientist, who along with Walter Brattain and
John Bardeen, invented the transistor in 1947. Shockley can also be
credited with creating what is today known as "Silicon Valley" in the
Santa Clara valley of norther California. With monies won for receiving
the Nobel Peace Prize for the transistor invention, Shockley moved
there and started up the first of many electronics companies dealing
with computers.
WILLIAM N.: TI's Vice-president of the Consumer Products Group
in Lubbock, TX when the price of the troubled TI-99/4 was slashed from
$950 to $650 on November 28, 1980.
WOLF SOFTWARE: A TI-99/4A computer software firm founded by
Galen A. Read and Charles R. Burley in Santa Rosa, CA in the mid-1980s.
Read would go on to gain notoriety as an accomplished assembly language
programmer of the TI-99, creating several excellent applications such
as Desktop Publisher for DaTaBioTics, and the Writerease Word Processor
for CorComp, but he would ultimately leave the TI Community with some
undelivered products in his wake. Charles R. Burley apparently left the
TI Community early on, because his name never surfaced in the
literature, nor the mainstream User Group newsletters.
OR DIE: Electronic Arts #1604 -- Released -- -- An arcade
favorite programmed for the Commodore 64/128 by Stephen Landrum and
David Bunch in 1987. Available also in other computer formats.
Maple Leaf Microware - MAP 104 - Released 1983 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $17.95 --
Cassette software providing a realistic simulation of a parachuting
accuracy competition, for up to 4 players. You control the altitude and
location of the jump plane, optionally drop a streamer to check the
wind, then jump and free-fall at an accelerating speed. After pulling
the rip-cord, manipulate the chute's controls to maneuver to a
bull's-eye landing. Intermittent failures and fickle winds add to the
challenge. Requires Extended BASIC.
THOMAS R.: Author of the Turtle Tracks program that was
introduced for the TI-99/4A by Scholastic Inc. in 1983.
Released 2Q/1982 -- Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $149.95 -- Designed as a tool for electrical
engineering students so they could make tedious calculations quickly
and easily using the TI-99/4A Home Computer. Developed for Texas
Instruments at Southern Methodist University. Package consisted of a
cartridge and either two diskettes, or 10 cassette tapes, depending on
purchaser preference. A relatively uncommon software package that did
not show up in any of the Retailer Catalogs after the demise of the
An Extended BASIC spreadsheet program written for the TI-99/4A by Gary
Strauss. It was published in the August 1984 issue of Home Computer
PHM 3145 - Released 2Q/1983 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $39.95 - One of two games that I am
aware of which were written by TI employees under the company's
Employee Author Incentive Program. The other is Hopper, written by TI
employee John Phillips (with the help of Michael Archuleta). Sneggit
was written by James R. Von Ehr II. According to the documentation
(1053590-1045), you must, "Save the eggs! Hungry snakes are in the
barnyard, devouring your eggs by the dozen. You must survive the
reptilian attack and save as many eggs as possible." The same was
moderately popular with 99/4A owners as far as I can determine. It
supports use of joysticks.
DAVID: Programmer who created the home computer games David's
Midnight Magic and Serpentine.
SCIENCE: PHD 5087 - Release Announced 4Q/1982 -
Release Cancelled 2Q/1983 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $29.95 -- One of eleven math and
science programs developed by the Minnesota Educational Computing
Consortium (MECC) for grades one through eight. These programs are
standard, in-school computer programs. Requires disk, disk drive and
controller, and Extended BASIC Command Module. Listed in
1982-83 Elek-TEK catalog for $24.95. Although this program and the
other 10 titles from Minnesota Educational Computing Company are listed
in TI's June-December 1982 'U.S. Consumer Products Suggested Retail
Price List', neither it nor the other titles were ever released.
TI's explanation for the cancellation was that the MECC products
duplicated educational themes that already existed in the 99/4A's
library of software.
* PHD 5078 - Metric and Counting
* PHD 5079 - Elementary Economics
* PHD 5080 - Elementary Math and Science
* PHD 5081 - Astronomy
* PHD 5082 - Word Beginnings
* PHD 5083 - Exploring
* PHD 5084 - Math Practice
* PHD 5085 - Science Facts
* PHD 5086 - Natural Science
* PHD 5087 - Social Science
* PHD 5088 - Teacher's Toolbox
PO Box 4068 Bloomington, IL 61701 (309) 828-3251. Outfit that required
a $100 annual membership fee in exchange for cut-rate pricing on TI-99
Home Computer products. Ad found in Feb/Mar 1985 Home Computer Digest
on page 20. Claims Personal Real Estate cartridge for $6.75, Alien
Addition for $8.50, Reading Fun $10.50 etc.
7001 The Home Financial Manager (Home Financial Decisions, Household
Budget Management, Personal Real Estate)
7002 The Family Entertainer (A-Maze-Ing, Hunt The Wumpus, The Attack)
7003 The Elementary Educator (Addition and Subtraction 1, Beginning
Grammar, Early Learning Fun)
7004 The Music Educator (Music Maker, Music Skills Trainer on cassette)
7005 no product· PHL 7006 The Speaking Math Teacher (Addition &
Subtraction I, Addition & Subtraction II, Multiplication I)
7007 The Speaking Reading Teacher (Early Reading, Reading Fun)
PHL7008 The Speaking Spelling Teacher (Scholastic Spelling Levels 3, 4,
5 and 6)
7009 The Arcade Game Series (Car Wars, TI Invaders, Tombstone City:
21st Century)
7010 The Milton Bradley Game Series (Blasto, Connect Four, Hustle,
Yahtzee, Zero Zap)
7011 The Computer Introductory Package (Household Budget Management,
Multiplication I, TI Invaders)
7012 Introduction to Spanish (not released)
SALES RANKING - 2ND QUARTER 1983: Figures are taken from an
Audits & Surveys chart prepared by TI for use in marketing and
contacts with retailers. Ranking is based upon the number of programs
sold during the 2nd quarter with the number 1 ranking being the program
that sold the most units during the quarter. Comparison is not just for
TI products, but for all home computer software sales.
o 1.
o 2.
o 3.
o 4.
o 5.
Star Raiders
o 6.
o 7.
o 8.
TI Invaders
o 9.
Missile Command
o 10.
o 11.
Cosmic Cruncher
o 12.
Household Budget Management
o 13.
Teach Yourself BASIC
o 14.
o 15.
o 16.
Early Learning Fun
o 17.
Jupiter Landing
o 18.
Hunt The Wumpus
o 19.
Personal Record Keeping
o 20.
Car Wars
STATE SPEECH SYNTHESIZER: PHP 1500 - Released 2Q/1980 - Рекомендованная производителем розничная цена $149.95 -- The Speech Synthesizer is based upon TI's TMS 5200 chip,
which is a second-generation version of the TMS 5100 chip that was used
in the first Speak & Spell product. The Solid State Speech
Synthesizer reproduces human speech electronically, accurately and
realistically with a variety of inflections and appropriate pitch,
using a technique called Linear Predictive Coding. . For children too
young to read the screen, the Speech Synthesizer is ideal as it allows
the Computer to 'talk' to the children. The Speech Synthesizer requires
either the Speech Editor command cartridge, the Terminal Emulator II
command cartridge or another program that is designed with the use of
speech. The TEll package provides unlimited text-to-speech capability
allowing you to listen to data base information or have the Computer
say anything within your own program. Requires Speech Editor module;
Terminal Emulator II module; or other software that uses speech
(Unisource 1983)
INVADERS: Written by Rick Mauer for the Atari 2600 VCS. He is
said to have earned only $11,000 for a cartridge that grossed over $100
SPIDERS: An arcade game released in July 1982 by Glo-Data Box
374 Stony Point, NY 10980. The program was offered on cassette only and
sold for $9.00. (BYTE Jul82, p.419)
XIII FLIGHT SIMULATOR: Written by David Harter, brother to
Not-Polyoptics owner Gene Harter. The original version was released in
March 1987 on disk, with an upgrade dubbed MK2 following in November
1987, also on disk. The Mk2 version boasted faster response time (over
twice as fast as the original relase) to joystick action with overall
game play speed vastly improved. Although the program received positive
reviews, by early 1988 the right to produce the game in cartridge
format were sold to DataBioTics. In the second quarter 1of 988 "Spad"
became the 'Red Baron Flight Simulator', now a DataBiotics plug in
& READ: A Texas Instruments handheld learning device that
weighed approximately 3 pounds. It used a combination of the most
important developments in reading education, a friendly electronic
voice, and carefully planned activities to help children build reading
skills. More than 250 basic words are introduced by activities like
Word Zapper vocabulary, comprehension and logical thinking. It included
a 64 page activity book and earphones. Four C cell batteries were
required and an AC Adapter was available as an option. Retail price was
$49.95 for the computer and $7.00 for the AC adapter. Additional
Cartridges were also available for $12.95 including the following
titles: · Dog On A Log Grade 1· On The Track Grade 1· A Seal That Could
Fly Grade 2· The Third Circle Grade 2· Who's Who At The Zoo Grade 2·
Sea Sights Grade 3· The Ghost In The House Grade 3· The Millionth
Knight Grade 3
& SPELL: A Texas Instruments handheld learning device that
weighed approximately 3 pounds. It carried 150 words in its ROM chip,
but also had several plug in modules available. First introduced to the
world at the Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago June 14,1978, it was
the creation of Texas Instruments engineers Paul Breedlove, Gene
Frantz, Richard Wiggins and Larry (George) Brantingham. The red and
yellow plastic, notebook-size learning aid was the first device to use
synthesized human speech. Four years later, the Speak & Spell would
become famous as the toy that E.T. rigged up to "phone home" in Steven
Spielberg's 1982 summer blockbuster, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. But
from the beginning, demand was high, even at the then-high retail price
of about $60.
A computer gaming products company formed as Spectravision in 1977 by
Swiss clock/watch makers Harry Fox and Oscar Jutzeler. Renamed
Spectravideo shortly thereafter when the rights to the Spectravision
name were legally challenged. Early products included game cartridges
for the Atari VCS2600 and Colecovision. Cartridges were also
manufactured for the Commodore VIC-20 when it appeared in 1981. --
Spectravideo would ultimately produce the SV-318 and SV328 home
computers, which Texas Instruments listed as competitors to the 99/4A.
Neither SV machine ever came close to competing with the 4A in number
of units sold, but both SVs had cartridge ports so TI used that to show
consumers how many more cartridges were available for the TI-99/4A
compared to the Spectravideo SV-318.
MODULES (PHA 2500): These little known cartridges were designed
to slip into the Speech Synthesizer to add new words to the device's
vocabulary. In case you ever wondered, that's why the front of the
Speech Synthesizer has a hinged top. But TI cancelled these cartridges
in December 1981 and placed an official addendun announcing so in with
all Speech Editor Command Modules and Speech Synthesizers sold after
that date.
SUPPORTED SOFTWARE: The following Texas Instruments
licensed/produced software and 3rd Party software, supports the use of
speech through TI's Solid State Speech Synthesizer. Sources for this
information include TI publications: CL527A Application Programs for
the Texas Instruments Home Computer (1980) -- CL581 Texas Instruments
Home Computer Application Program Directory (1981) -- CL581C Texas
Instruments Home Computer Program Library (1982) -- 1049706-1 Texas
Instruments Home Computer Program Library Addendum (1982) -- CL757B
Texas Instruments Home Computer Library Brochure (1983) -- CL759A Texas
Instruments Home Computer Program Library (1983).
* Addition and Subtraction 1 PHM 3027
(source: CL527A. "Some packages will use speech as well as graphics."
CL581C. Speech Synthesizer optional)
* Addition and Subtraction 2 PHM 3028
(source: CL581C. Speech Synthesizer optional; CL759A. Speech
Synthesizer recommended)
* Alpiner PHM 3056 (source: CL757B. Speech
Synthesizer optional)
* Bigfoot PHM 3151 (source: CL 759A Speech
Synthesis and Voice Recognition)
* Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom PHM 3236
* Championship Baseball PHM 3148 (source:
CL 759A Speech Synthesis and Voice Recognition)
* Course Designer Authoring System PHD
5068 (source: 1049706-1. Speech Synthesizer optional for speaking
* Division 1 PHM 3049 (source: CL757B.
Speech Synthesizer recommended)
* E.T. The Extra Terrestrial PHM 3125
* Early Reading PHM 3015 (source: CL757B.
Speech Synthesizer required)
* Extended Baseball (Extended Software
Co.) (source: CL581C. Speech Synthesizer required)
* Extended Hangman (Extended Software Co.)
(source: CL581C. Speech Synthesizer required)
* Fathom PHM 3222 (source: cartridge
instruction manual #1053590-2022)
* Honey Hunt (source: CL 759A. Speech
Synthesis)· I'M Hiding PHM 3155 (source: CL 759A. Speech Synthesis)
* Lasso (source: comp.sys.ti contributor)
* Love Tennis (comp.sys.ti contributor)
* M*A*S*H PHM 3158 (source: cartridge
instruction manual #1053590-1058)
* Meteor Belt PHM 3152 (source: CL759A
Speech Synthesis and Voice Recognition)
* Microsurgeon PHM 3220· Moonmine PHM 3131
(source: CL757B. Speech Synthesizer recommended)
* Multiplication 1 PHM 3029 (source:
CL581C. Speech Synthesizer optional)
* Numeration 1 PHM 3050· Numeration 2 PHM
3051 (source: cartridge documentation. Part #1053590-51)
* Reading Flight PHM 3082 (source: CL757B.
Speech Synthesizer optional)
* Reading Fun PHM 3043 (source: CL757B.
Speech Synthesizer recommended)
* Reading Roundup PHM 3047 (source:
CL757B. Speech Synthesizer optional)
* Parsec PHM 3112 (source: CL757B. Speech
Synthesizer optional)
* Princess and the Frog ROM01025
(comp.sys.ti contributor)
* Saturday Night Bingo PHD 5025 / PHT 6025
(source: CL581C. Speech Synthesizer required)
* Scholastic Spelling-Level 3 PHM 3059
(source: CL757B. Speech Synthesizer required)
* Scholastic Spelling-Level 4 PHM 3060
(source: CL757B. Speech Synthesizer required)
* Scholastic Spelling-Level 5 PHM 3061
(source: CL757B. Speech Synthesizer required)
* Scholastic Spelling-Level 6 PHM 3062
(source: CL757B. Speech Synthesizer required)
* Sewermania PHM 3150 (source: CL759A
Speech Synthesis and Voice Recognition)
* SF Speaking Math Teacher PHL 7006
* SF Speaking Reading Teacher PHL 7007
* Sound Track Trolley PHM 3157 (source:
CL759A Speech Synthesis and Voice Recognition)
* Space Bandit PHM 3149 (source: CL759A
Speech Synthesis and Voice Recognition)
* Speak & Math PHD 5031 / PHT 6031
(source: CL581C. Speech Synthesizer required)
* Speak & Spell PHD 5030 (source:
CL581C. Speech Synthesizer required)
* Speech Demo (IUG) (source: CL581C.
Speech Synthesizer required)
* Speech Editor PHM 3011 (source: CL581C.
Speech Synthesizer required)
* Spell Writer PHD 5042 / PHT 6042
(source: CL581C. Speech Synthesizer and Terminal Emulator II required)
* Star Trek PHM 3225 (source: cartridge
instruction manual #1053590-2025)
* Super Demon Attack PHM 3219 (source:
John Phillips)
* Super Fly PHM 3153 (source: CL 759A
Speech Synthesis and Voice Recognition)
* Terminal Emulator II PHD 3035 (source:
CL581C. Speech Synthesizer optional)
* Terry Turtle's Adventure PHM 3154
(source: CL 759A Speech Synthesis and Voice Recognition)
* Text-To-Speech PHD 5075 (source: CL757B.
32K RAM, Extended BASIC and Speech Synthesizer required)
* The Computer Introductory Package PHL
* The Elementary Educator PHL 7003
* The Speaking Scholastic Spelling Teacher
PHL 7008
* TI BINGO (Bob Chase Co.) (source:
CL581C. Speech Synthesizer required)
* TI Extended BASIC PHM 3026 (source:
CL581C. Speech Synthesizer optional)
* TI PILOT PHD 5066 (source: 1049706-1
Speech Synthesizer optional for speaking programs. Available December
* TI-Trek PHD 5002 / PHT 6002 (source:
CL581C. Speech Synthesizer optional)
* Wing War PHM 3223
READING VERSION A: Triton #BABB / Unisource #NAV112 -- Released
4Q/1984 -- MSRP $49.95 -- Manufactured by Navarone Industries. Version
for teens and adults. According to the Navarone advertising language,
"This new program provides extensive practice in taking in more print
faster. Frequest tests prove that not only is your rate of reading
greatly increased, but you are also improving your level of
comprehension. Complete workbook included."
READING VERSION B: Triton #BABA / Unisource #NAV113 -- Released
4Q/1984 -- MSRP $49.95 -- Manufactured by Navarone Industries. Version
for children. According to the advertising language, "A comprehensive
course create especially for children 8 through 13. Practice drills are
geared to increasing reading speed and improving comprehension levels.
Progress tests and scores add to satisfaction and confidence. Complete
workbook included."
DENNY: 2440 E Street Springfield, OR 97477 (503-746-2224). A
Multilevel Marketing (pyramid sales technique) firm specializing in
TI-99/4A hardware and software in 1983.
THOMAS: Owner and founder of Dijit Systems, the San Diego, CA
form that produced the AVPC 80-Column display card for the TI-99/4A.
An acronym for School Practices Information Network, an electronic
on-line information service offered to educators by BRS Information
until January 1983 when it was taken over by Scott, Foresman Co.
Services available to SPIN subscribers included access to over 11
million computerized documents in 15 education-related data bases. See:
99er 01/83 p.59.
SOFTWARE TITLES: 215 First St Cambridge, MA 02142
* Alf
* Alphabet Zoo
* Bubble Burst
* Delta Drawing
* Facemaker
* Fraction Fever
* Kindercomp - Part #KDC - written by Doug
Davis - part of the "Early Learning Series" of applications - cartridge
software available for thr Atari 800, C64 and IBM Personal computers.
* Kids On Keys
* Snooper Troops I and II
* Story Machine
* Trains
* Up For Grabs!
FOR THE TI: See Electronic Spreadsheets.
Movable dislay objects that are independent of the computer screen's
background, character display or pixel graphics. A true sprite is able
to pass over any background text or graphics without disturbing the
background. The Atari 800 had four sprites, called Players, and four
tiny two-bit sprites called Missles. The Missiles could also be
combined to create a fifth Player. The Commodore 64 had eight sprites,
and the TI-99/4A 28 sprites.
DEMISE: A popular Penguin Software strategy game with arcade
graphics that was translated for the TI-99/4A by Ken Dibble and Mark
Sumner of Challenger International Software of St. Louis, MO. The
program first appeared in disk and tape versions, the tape version
having an Extended Basic program on one side and the Mini-Memory
version on the other. The disk version sported Extended Basic,
Mini-Memory and Edtor/Assembler versions. The cartridge version
appeared in the Fall of 1987 and listed for $19.95. It was available
through Tenex Computer Express and Triton Products Company.
PAIRS: Scholastic Inc. - SCH 101 - Released 1983 - MSRP $39.95
-- Cassette software that allows you to play matching games of memory
and imagination. Increase your power of concentration and learn a few
programming concepts too. Start with our games and match numbers, words
or patterns. Then, use the Square Pairs Gamemaker to create lots of
your own games. You can make these games as simple, serious or silly as
you want. Play Square Pairs with your friends...make the most matches
to win.
BASIC COMPILER: The only commercial BASIC compiler ever written
for the 99/4A during its life as a Texas Instruments product (1983).
Authored by David Schultz, Steven Schwengels and Ron Tump, hence the
name SST.
The SST BASIC Compiler
converts BASIC language programs to machine code via a compiling
process. Machine language is
the fastest executing language
that can be run on the TI-99/4A. The primary key to the SST BASIC
Compiler is reading the
directions in detail. Follow
the steps exactly. If you miss one step, the complete sequence must be
done again. The minimum
equipment required to run this
software is a TI-99/4A, cassette recorder, and the Mini Memory module.
Compiler consists of three
programs: Editor, Compiler, Assembler. The Editor program is loaded
into the computer first. You
them type in the BASIC program
that is to be compiled into machine language...After typing in the
program you resequence the
lines and save the resequenced
version. The compiler is then loaded to compile the program. Once
compiled, you must use the
LOADER program to run the
compiled code.
GAZER I: Sunware Ltd. - STA 101 - Released 1984 - MSRP $29.95 --
The first of 3 Star Gazer titles authored by former Texas Instruments
programmer John Phillips. The only one to be offered by Sunware Ltd.,
who would become Exceltec in 1985. All three titles would later surface
in the Triton Products catalogs, initially as three separate
cartridges, and finally as Star Gazer 1, 2, 3 in a single cartridge.
All three programs show different constellations.
GAZER I,II &III: DataBioTics - Released 4Q/1988 - MSRP
$39.95 --
MAZE: star maze SF 31182 - Released 2Q/1982 - MSRP $54.95 -- One
of six Mathematics Action Game Series cartridges released by Scott,
Foresman and Company in limited quantity during the 4th quarter of
1983. This program teaches division in a game format by requiring the
player to help Thid find its way through a maze so it can return to the
planet of Mathid. Retailed for $39.95. The cartridges in the series
were Frog Jump, Number Bowling, Picture Parts, Pyramid Puzzler, Space
Journey and Star Maze.
User Comments (provided by John E. Taylor and other members
of the Shoals 99er Uer Group in 1985): This module, by Scott, Foresman
and company, provides for practice of division problems through game
playing. The game, for one player, involves getting a lost character,
call a Thid, through a maze of stars in order to get home to planet
Mathid. In order to move Thid through the maze, you must correctly
answer division problems presented by the computer. Each correct answer
allows you to move Thid to any star in the maze that is adjacent to the
one he is currently on. The object is to get Thid home before time runs
out, and also to accululate all the points you can while doing so. The
stars in the maze each have a point value, blue stars are worth 5
points, yellow ones are 10. There is a red star on the maze, a Goodid
star, that is worth 20 points. Also, when you move Thid to the Goodid
star the point values for the other stars are doubled for 15 seconds.
There are three Badid stars, disguised as blue or yellow stars, hidden
in the maze. If you move Thid to a Badid star, he gets bounced around
he maze, and stops on a star farther away from Mathid than before. The
game ends when you get Thid home to Mathid, or when time runs out. The
time is user selectable for 2,3, or 4 minutes. The player can also
select from three difficulty levels.
Star Maze does not attempt to teach division, but is good at
providing a fun way to practice it. According to the manual, the game
is mainly for third through sixth grade students, but older children an
adults will be challenged by playing in the Master level of difficulty.
RUNNER: Triton #BAAP - Released 2Q/1987 - MSRP $19.95 -
Cartridge game originally released in disk format as TI Runner in 1984.
The program is literally a TI-99/4A version of the mega-hit Lode Runner
program that was written for Atari, Commodore etc. Written by Jon Burt
and Scott Emory dba EB Software. According to the documentation "You
are a highly-trained commando who has been captured and imprisoned deep
in the lower decks of the Star Ship Arcturus. You decide not to accept
your confinement and effect escape back to your planet from the upper
deck. Along the way there are treasures plundered from your planet
which you must collect in order to proceed to the next deck. However
there are three guards hot on your trail. You will be running, jumping,
blasting passages and outfoxing these guards as you attempt to acquire
the stolen treasure and still escape with your life, despite all the
hazards you must overcome...
TREK: PHM 3225 - Released 3Q/1983 - MSRP $29.95 -- A program
licensed from Sega Enterprises. According to the documentation, which
carries product # 1053590-2025, "The power of the Starship Enterprise
is at your command. Cross the galaxies with Warp Drive and Impulse
Power. Defend the Federation with Photon Torpedoes and Phasers. Ward
off the treacherous attack of the Klingons, the villians of the
cosmos." SEGA's Star Trek prototype for the TI-99/4A appears on the
cover of the July 1983 issue of "Enthusiast 99" magazine. The manual
shown on the cover is from a prototype eprom module that IUG president
Charles LaFara received from Sega. LaFara would later report that only
3 copies of the prototype were made. One was sent to Texas Instruments,
the second was sent to the IUG for their evaluation and the third was
sent to Jack Carroll who worked for the IUG at that time. According to
LaFara, the game was almost identical to the Atari 800 version except
it ran much faster on the 99/4 and had better sound qualities. From
cartridge collector James Fetzner: "I seem to have found something very
strange in one of my thrift shop hunts this past weekend--I found a
copy of the Star Trek module with a very different label. The printing
matches the regular TI label, right down to the module number, all in
black, but the label itself is WHITE, with square corners--definitely
not TI standard. I wonder if SEGA actually went through on their
promise to produce additional copies of their TI packages?
Interestingly enough, the cartridge case also has NO manufacturing date
in the data area, not even one of the printed types. Unfortunately,
there was no manual with it, so I can't be sure--but the evidence
surely points that way!" Star Trek supports the use of joysticks and
the TI Solid State Speech Synthesizer.
User Comments: I'm told this one is the arcade game brought
right to your friendly TI. Speech, music, action... what more could you
ask? The game gets progressively harder as you advance but not much
different. Your screen shows three pictures at a time; your guages, a
panoramic view of the galactic area you're occupying, and a simulated
three dimensional view from your cockpit. It'll take you a while to
learn to quickly recognize the red and yellow klingon battle crusers,
the blue anti-matter saucers, nomads, used and unused starbases, etc.
The pause feature is nice when the phone rings in the middle of a
rousing battle.
RAIDERS: Asgard Software #E9108 - Released 1992 - MSRP $12.95 --
A Joe Delekto (Clipboard99) authored game that combines elements of an
arcade game with the strategy of a board game. In the game you travel
around the galaxy using hyperspace drive, drop into alien territory for
a hit-and-run attack and then run to a friendly space station for fuel
and repairs. You can read a John Koloen review of Starbase Raiders in
the March 1992 issue of MICROpendium on page 25.
Infocom - Info 103 - Released 1983 - MSRP $##.## -- Disk based
text-only science fiction adventure that launches you headlong into the
year 2186 and the depths of space where you are destinedto rendezvous
with with a gargantuan starship from the outer fringes of the galaxy.
Requires disk, 32K memory and either Extended BASIC, Editor/Assembler
or Mini Memory.
PEGASUS: A cassette based game written in TI BASIC that was
released by Not-Polyoptics. According to the literature for the game,
you ; "Contact Extra-Terrestrial intelligence in this game for one
player. Explore and conquer a different quadrant of the galaxy each
time you play. Your screen shows you each solar system during approach
and the challenge is to find ,contact and exploit alien races (by force
or diplomacy). Complete with names and descriptions of alien life
forms. Watch out for Hyper-Dimensional Marauders."
PEGASUS: One of the never released command modules for the TI
for which code actually exists. The opening screen to the program reads
copyright 1983 by Milton Bradley Co., but it is easy to see why they
never released the program. It's junk! In speed, graphics, and the use
of sprites the program resembles a poorly written Extended Basic game
rather than one coded in assembly language. Your starship is in the
middle of the screen and there it stays. You have guns top and bottom
and left and right which you can shoot with joysticks or the arrow
keys. The "bad guys" are simple, magnified sprites which move on and
off the screen in random fashion. You can only have one bullet on the
screen at a time and if your spaceship gets hit by a bad guy bullet it
blows up and the game is over. According to Charles Good the game is
601 Alleghany St. Blacksburg, VA 24060 703-953-1490 software house
owned by Tarik Isani, an accomplished assembly language programmer.
StarSoft produced the Nibbler sector by sector disk copier that used
hexidecimal sector numbers and that also featured on-line help, a TI
Writer loader for Extended Basic that would later be marketed by
TexComp as a new 99-Writer II product when bundled with the TI released
enhancements to TI Writer, TE-PLUS, later called TE-IV+ when marketed
by TexComp, which was a terminal emulator that only supported TE-II
protocols for uploads and downloads, StarSoft Disassembler, Disk
Editor, later called Explorer by TexComp (the very same program which
Jerry Price and Craig Miller would get into a business disagreement
over use of the Explorer name), Unprotector which was an assembly
language utility to unprotect protected Extended Basic programs, and
Microkeys, a utility that allowed a user to define the functions of up
to 10 keys on the 99/4A keyboard as long as each description could be
written in 28 characters or less. Virtually all of these programs
appeared between 1983 and 1985. Tarik Isani disappeared from the TI
community around the end of 1986, no doubt to ply his skills in a
computer market with more profit potential.
statistics PHM 3014 - Released 4Q/1979 - MSRP $54.95 -- A Solid State
Software command module that provides a library of established routines
for Descriptive statistical analysis, Correlation, Linear Regression,
Inferential statistics and Significance. According to the 53-page
instruction manual that comes with the cartridge (product #
1037109-14), it c an also be used to analyze data from the Personal
Record Keeping module. Data from a Statistics file can likewise be
imported into the Personal Record Keeping program for sorting and
report printing of saved Statistics' data. Statistics provides a
'screen-dump' type print to a Thermal Printer or RS232 printer also.
Released during the fourth quarter 1979 at a suggested retail price of
$54.95. That was lowered to $44.95 for 1981 and 1982 and lowered to
$39.95 in 1983. see also PRK BASIC. I would consider Statistics a
relatively rare cartridge, if for no other reason than the fact that it
was never available in any Triton catalogs, and didn't show up in the
TM Direct Marketing catalogs until the Spring/Summer 1994 issue, where
it was listed as product #2126, selling for $4.95. The other reason I
would consider it rare has to do with the program's cost/benefit ratio
for a home computer user, which was fairly well out of balance,
weighing heavily on the cost side, and light on the benefit side. The
problem with a statistics application is "what do I do with it in a
home environment", and "why would I pay over $50 for it"?
In the December 1983 issue of Compute! magazine, Statistics
reviewer Roger B. Crampton tries to answer that question by starting
off the review with, "In many professions there is a need to analyze
something statistically. Engineers, medical researchers, psychologits
and social scientistsoften must generalize from data samples and make
predictions concerning the probability of events". While this statement
can be assumed to be true, it begs the question...why would you do your
analysis on a TI-99/4 or 4A Home Computer. Okay, it does import data
from the Personal Record Keeping cartridge generated data bases, but
how much analysis can be needed there? The best thing that can be said
about the cartridge is that it provides a superb and painless
introduction into the world of statistical analysis.
The central character (a burglar) in Tomputer's Thief game.
GEORGE: One of the original members of the LA/South Bay 99ers
when they formed in January 1982. A constant contributor to the group
and the group newsletter. Tireless teacher and loyal member of the TI
Community. George died September 29, 1988.
The internal code-name within Atari for the Video Computer
System (VCS) released in 1977.
DR. GUY: Dr. Romano died on August 15, 1989. He was a linguistic
genius, the author of several pieces of advanced software in the early
80's and the original librarian for the IUG. He founded the Amnion
Helpline in the latter part of the 80's to provide assistance to any
99er in need. A scholar, a gentleman and a TI-99er in the very highest
sense. Dr. Romano was 57 years old.
MACHINE: PHM 3178 -- Released 4Q/1983 -- MSRP $39.95 -- A
children's entertainment cartridge that provided educational benefits
in sentence creation through the use of music and animation. The
TI-99/4A version of this popular Spinnaker Software program was written
by Bill Mann. According to the documentation (1053590-1078) "Use the
computer to develop skills in writing stories. Animation and music help
make writing a fun experience. Your child can save stories on cassette
or diskette (storage device not included). For children ages 5 to 9."
The program uses a parser to interpret a combination of 8 modifiers, 16
nouns, 10 pronouns and 14 verbs made into a sentence. If the sentence
is valid, the program creates an animated picture of the what the user
has typed in. For example, a dog running to a house.
User Comments (provided by John E. Taylor and other members
of the Shoals 99er Uer Group in 1985): This could well be one of the
most overlooked educational modules of all. How many times have you
written a story and gone off day dreaming that it were really
happening. This module allows that to happen. The module understands 50
key words. As you type the words in, they are transformed into actions
on the screen. For example, if you were ty type in - "The dog dances
near the boy." - it would really happen. As soon as DOG was typed in a
dog would appear on the screen. As soon as the sentence was completed a
boy would appear and the dog would dance near him. The story can become
fairly involved and once it is finished you can see the whole thing
replayed for you. You can even save your stories on cassette or disk to
be looked at again. Now only if they'd come out with one to do the same
thing with bill paying.
1Q/1982 - MSRP $29.95 -- Strange Odyssey begins as you realize that you
are stranded on a small planetoid and must repair your ship before you
can go home. As you search the planet for the necessary part, you try
to discover the secrets of an ancient civilization collecting treasures
as you go. Requires disk, disk drive for PHD 5050 or cassette,
cassette program recorder and program recorder cable are required for
PHT 6050. Either software database requires the Adventure Module PHM
3041 to run the Strange Odyssey database.
GARY: Author of the Snap-Calc Extended BASIC spreadsheet program
published in the August 1984 issue of Home Computer Magazine.
FORCE 99: Moonbeam Software - Released 1982 - MSRP $19.95 --
Your planet is doomed! Destroy the Cryolian death ship before it
unleashes its deadly death rays, annihilating your civilization.
ENGINEERING LIBRARY: PHD 5016 / PHT 6016 -- Released 1Q/1981 --
MSRP $29.95 / $24.95 -- Provides Structural Engineers with and easy to
use program that helps make complex calculations and evaluations.
COMMANDER: Released on disk in 1986 as part of the "Lost Hits"
that were uncovered by Roger Dooley of Tenex Computer Express. The
"Lost Hits" disk consisted of Computer War, River Rescue and Submarine
Commander and sold for $29.95. The Computer War game was verifiably the
property of British entertainment giant Thorn-EMI, but I have no idea
who owned, created or planned to distribute Submarine Commander or
River Rescue? Regardless, thanks to Roger Dooley for making these three
games available to the TI Community. Submarine Commander is a submarine
patrol simulator where you as Captain of the craft, get to hunt down
and destroy enemy shipping in Mediterranean Sea waters. You have sonar
to help find the enemy when you are submerged. If you are attacked you
can dive deep (not too deep or the hull will crack) and try to dodge
the depth charges; then you can rise to periscope level for another
attack on the convoy. But check the instruments for your oxygen level,
fuel, battery charge, depth under you keel, and watch out for enemy
destroyers, or it may all end in disaster! Submarine Commander was
reviewed by MICROpendium publisher John Koloen in the November 1986
issue on page 44. He gave it high marks.
PHM 3091 - Released 4Q/1982 - MSRP $39.95 -- One of a
series of mathematics cartridges produced by Milliken Publishing
entitled the "Milliken Math Sequences". Although the Milliken Company
developed the series for Texas Instruments, it was TI employee John C.
Plaster who actually programmed each application so it could be burned
into a ROM cartridge. According to the documentation (1053590-91), the
program is, "A self-paced subtraction "tutor" to help your child
develop strong math skills to meet today's and tomorrow's challenges.
Suitable for children from kindergarten through grade 8." Provides
drill and practice, with 75 different problem levels. Includes color
graphics and reward sound effects for correct responses.
260 Holbrook Dr. Wheeling, IL 60090 (312) 459-8000 firm that produced
the TAC-3 joystick in 1985.
SOFTWARE: PO Box 1690 Warren, MI 48090, TIBBS 313-751-1119 form
that advertised "Discount Hard/Software TI-99/4A" in the January 1985
issue of Family Computing.
900 W. Los Vallecitos San Marcos, CA 92069 (619) 744-2011 firm that
produced educational software for the TI-99/4A. See their ad in Home
Computer Magazine V4N1, page 17 for more information on programs such
as Alphabet Recognition, Beginning Programming, Continents and Oceans,
Number Recognition, Spatial Relationships, and Telling Time.
The first 80-column screen board/card made for the Apple
II. Invented and manufactured by Marty Spergel and Bill Wobler.
99 MONTHLY: A TI-99 specific newsletter published by Richard M.
Mitchell dba Bytemaster Computer Services 171 Mustang Street Sulphur,
Louisiana 70663. First announced in July 1984, Super 99 Monthly was
published between September 1984 (V1N1) and February 1986 (V2N6) for a
total of 18 consecutive monthly issues. In March 1986 Richard Mitchell
and Craig Miller reached an agreement on the sale of Miller's
publication, The Smart Programmer, which ended the life of Super 99
Monthly when Super 99 Monthly and The Smart Programmer newsletters were
merged under The Smart Programmer name. Each issue of Super 99 Monthly
consisted of 12 pages and the annual subscription rate was $12 per year
for 12 issues.
DEMON ATTACK: PHM 3219 - Released 3Q/1983 - MSRP $39.95 - A
TI-99/4A version of Rob Fulop's Demon Attack game originally written
for the Atari 2600. According to the documentation (1053590-2019),
"Suicide patrollers and tentacled terrorists from the Demon Armada
shower the moon with devastating weaponry. Annihilate them with your
laser cannon. Then lift off and destroy the core of Pandemonium,
flagship of the Demon Armada." This popular game was adapted to the
TI-99/4A by John Phillips and others at TI, including Dennis Lamb, who
wrote the documentation. Super Demon Attack supports the use of
joysticks, and according to former TI programmer John Phillips, also
supports speech synthesis through an undocumented series of keystrokes
that he no longer recalls.
EXPANDER 64: This powerful cartridge gives the
user/programmer 21 new commands and 11 functions that lets you easily
create hi-res graphics on your C64. Functions such as Drawing points,
lines, arcs, circles,ellipses and polygons, create and animate sprites
and special characters, combine text and high resolution graphics.
Create music and game sounds. Define programmable function keys,
and much more!
PROGRAMMER: PHL 7005 - Released 1Q/1982 - MSRP $119.00 -- The
TI Super Programmer package combines the elements you need to become
proficient in TI Extended BASIC programming. Simply insert the TI
Extended BASIC Command Module into the console and the Teach Yourself
Extended BASIC cassette in the cassette player and the features of a
high-level programming language are at your fingertips. Teach Yourself
Extended BASIC also requires an audio cassette tape recorder and the TI
Cassette Interface Cable (sold separately).
SKETCH: Triton #VABA / Unisource #PPI 100 -- Released 3Q/1984
-- MSRP $59.95 --
SPACE: A commercial plug-in cartridge with Editor/Assembler code
and utilities, as well as 8K or 32K of battery-backed RAM. It was
created by Edgar Dohmann, and marketed by DaTaBioTics. Released in
December 1985 at a MSRP of $49.95 for the 8K version. Other cartridges
similar to Super Space also surfaced around the same time as the
DaTaBioTics product.
STORM: An Atarisoft game cartridge never released for the
TI-99/4A, for which the code actually existed, a fact only recently
discovered by Competition Computer owner Kyle Creighton of Millbrae,
CA., after he literally rescued it from a dumpster at Atari in 1998. -
In the game, the Earth is being invaded by creatures who are trying to
drown all life by raising the levels of the oceans. The player controls
a fleet of warships representing the planet's only defense.
super duper Triton #BAAA / Unisource #NAV111 -- Released 3Q/1984 --
MSRP $34.95 -- A disk copy utility. According to the Navarone
advertsing language, "Safeguards masters fast. Use the high-speed
Super-Duper program cartridge to duplicate your disks, single and
double sided, then lock away your originals. For single-drive systems,
a special data compression routine stores most of your data in expanded
memory to reduce disk swapping. Most disk are copied in one or two
passes - and Super-Duper works even faster with multiple drive systems.
The program automatically formats blank disketttes before copying and
allows you to verify your backups byte for byte against the
A relational database management (DBMS) and client/server application
development system for Windows from Superbase Developers, Inc.,
Huntington, NY, ( It includes a database that
supports a variety of multimedia types, an object-based Super Basic
Language similar to Visual Basic and a suite of visual programming
tools. It supports the major SQL databases as well as ODBC-compliant
databases. Superbase has been widely used worldwide. It was originally
created in 1984 by Precision Software for the Commodore 64, Commodore
Amiga, Apple II and Atari ST. In 1989, it was the first DBMS to run on
a Windows computer.
The predecessor to DaTaBioTics' Grand RAM.
PHM 3153-Released 4Q/1983 - MSRP $49.95 - Part of the Milton Bradley
Arcade Plus Series of game cartridges developed for the TI-99/4A.
According to the documentation (1053590-1053), "Superfly is a mutant
insect that can leap tall alien spiders (and other enemy bugs) in a
single bound." Your job is to save Superfly who is trapped in deep
space and is being attacked by angry aliens. Unfortunately, Milton
Bradley Co. did not give credit to the programmers or designers who
created their software, and I've not been able to find out who wrote
this program yet. It supports use of the MBX Expansion System (MBX
101), Voice Recognition, Speech Synthesis, Analog Joystick (MBX 102)
use and the MBX Action-Input Keypad.
SONG: A Myarc Geneve 9640 computer newsletter started in
February 1990 by Jerry MacDonnell of Kirkwood, NY. It cost $8.00 per
year for 6 issues of 8.5" x 11" photocopied pages.
SCOTT: Owner and Founder of Morningstar Software of Beaverton,
Oregon, the firm that produced a CP/M-80 card for the TI-99/4A.
DR. ALLAN: Author of the Companion word processor and owner of
Intelpro. See MICROpendium May 1984, p.13 for a review of the Companion
program. SWOOPERS: Alien craft that are one of eight hazards in the
Parsec game.
SOFTWARE: Visit Kevin Savetz's Digital Antic Project for an interview with Synapse Software
founder Ihor Wolosenko. SYZYGY: The name that Atari founder Nolan
Bushnell had originally intended to use for his new company.
Fortunately, he chose the name Atari instead. Syzygy means the sun,
moon and earth in total eclipse.
INTERFACE: A 1511 Merivale Rd Nepean, ONT Canada K2G 3J3 firm
which specialized in the creation of inexpensive and easy-to-use
spreadsheet software for the TI-99/4A, Commodore 64 and VI-20 in 1984.
Owned by Sandy Foote.