3922 Valentine Rd Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 firm which produced superior
assembly language coded products such as Display Enhancement Package
and the Acorn 99 database Manager. Other products such as Crossums also
came from the Oak Tree stables.
Dungeons and Dragons type adventure authored and programmed by Donn
Granros. I was initially offered to Jerry Price of TexComp for
marketing, but was rejected. Chris Bobbitt of Asgard Software picked it
up and the game took off. Old Dark Caves consists of over 100Kb of
program and data and it incorporates over 60 assembly language routines
in its Extended BASIC coding for faster play. It features 28
multicolored, and animated monsters and over 240 locations. Moves from
cave to cave happen in less than a second thanks to the superior
programming of the game.
Asgard #FE12a for cassette (1989 catalog), #FE-12b for disk (1989
catalog) - Released 1988 - MSRP $9.95 -- An Adventure Module adventure,
written by Mickey Schmitt-Cendrowski and Lynn Gardner. Your task
is to return 15 treasures to their rightfull locations without
disturbing the ghost of King Oliver.
216 So. Oxnard Ave Los Angeles, CA 90004 firm that regularly advertised
the TI-99/4A in the trade publications, at "street" prices.
OMEGA: A Shareware
terminal emulation program for the TI-99/4A written by Travis Watford
in 1987. It is unique in that the program allows for on-line viewing of
RLE (Run Length Encoded) images.
series of disks/cassette tapes sold by Emerald Valley Publishing
containing the programs from their published magazine issues. The
series began when the name of the magazine was 99er/99er Home Computer
Magazine, focusing solely on the TI-99/4A Home Computer. It continued
when Home Computer Magazine appeared in February 1984, after the demise
of the TI-99 in October 1983. Apple and IBM owners were offered On-Disk
only, since neither computer supported cassette tape usage.
OPA (Oasis Pensive
Abacutors): A 432 Jarvis St. Suite 502 Toronto,Ontario
Canada M4Y-2H3 (416)960-1424 firm specializing in products for the
TI-99/4A and Coleco ADAM home computers. Founded by Gary Bowser.
PHOENIX 2001 Series
company started in 1982-83 by TI Community notable J. Peter Hoddie.
Released game programs such as:
Fishy Business
J. Freddy Frog
Klimbing Kong
Nuclear Rain
Space Battle: 2101
Rather substantial retailer of personal computer and home computer
products in the early 1980s. Located at 3150 E. La Palma Suite #I
Anaheim, CA 92806. Purchased a full-page ad in the premier issue of
99er Magazine, hawking non-TI-99 merchandise.
Arithmetic Excercise (XB)
Artillary Ace (B - TE2)
Baseball Quiz (B)
Basic Magnify (B)
Bill Filing System (XB)
Blackjack (B)· Byteman (XB)
Circle Plot (B)
Curve Plot (B)
Death Mobile (B)
Doodle (B)
Doxology (B)
Eviel -- Eyevil (XB)
Flag and National Anthem (B)
Flashcards (XB)· Geen Game (B)
Gravity Simulation (XB)· Grizzley
Happy Birthday (B)
Home Plant Care Library (XB)
Household Inventory (B)
Keyboard Teacher 1 (B - TE2)
Keyboard Teacher 2 (B - TE2)
Las Vegas Luck (B)
Loan Calculating Program (XB)
Mail and Phone List (B)
Martian Probe (XB)
Math Challenge (B)
Maze Boggle (XB)
Maze Madness (B)
Message Board (XB)
Music Maker (B)
Novel TI (B)
Quest (XB)
Ski Run (XB)
Skydiving Challenge (XB)
Sound Effects Catalog (XB)
Space Fury (XB)
Space Shuttle Columbia (XB)
Speech Sounder (B - TE2)
Spelling Excercise (B - TE2)
State Capital Quiz (XB)
Stranded (B)
Toe-Tac-Tic (B)
Tonk (B)
Trap (B)
Visual Valentine (B)
Wonder Math (B)
Word Craze (B)
Word Search (B)
Released 1Q/1982 - MSRP $39.95 -- An entertainment cartridge developed
for the TI-99/4A by Gabriel Industries, a division of CBS Inc., based
upon the Gabriel hand-held Computer Othello game. I'm not sure where
the name Othello came from, but the game looks and plays like Reversi
or Pentominos to me. It is a computerized version of a board game that
the documentation (product #1053590-67) tells you is copyright 1974 by
CBS, the board design that is. When I tried to play the game on my
beige console I could never get it to properly accept the coordinates
where I wanted my "disc" to be placed. Thinking I was doing
something wrong, I restarted the programand waited the 30 seconds the
instruction manual tells you to wait, so I could see the demo of the
program that appears automatically. After viewing the demo, I read the
instruction manual, but still could not resolve my problem. Trouble is,
the concept of the game is so uninteresting to me, I will admit to not
trying very hard or very long to find out what the problem was. Othello
does not use joysticks, nor does it support speech synthesis. It is a 1
or 2 player game, with the 1 player version playing against the
User Comments: Othello is a strategy disc and board game in
module format. Two people may play Othello, or you can choose the
computer as your opponent. various skill levels are available to
players, whether you're new to Othello, as I am, or an expert player.
The object of othello is to get as many discs of your color as possible
on the board. Your success lies in your ability to outflank your
opponent by capturing a horizontal, vertical, oir diagonal row of the
opponent's discs between two of your rows.
OTT, GRANVILLE, DR.: According
to former Texas Instruments employee John Yantis, a true member of the
"Brain Trust" that directed the development of the TI-99 Home Computer.
The author of a number of patents fundamental to the TI-99 Home
Computer, and a Senior Member of the TI Technical Staff, who
headed up numerous Personal Computer Division Advanced Development
projects. Inventor of the Graphics Read Only Memory (GROM) chip(s) used
in the TI-99, and the proprietary TI Graphics Programming Language
(GPL) that was used to create many of the TI-99's cartridge programs.