относящихся к домашнему компьютеру TI-99/4A


N.C.T.I.S: See Articles Menu for various reports

NAKAMATS, YOSHIRO: Invented the floppy disk in 1950 while at Tokyo's Imperial University.

NAMCO: Founded in 1955 in Japan. In 1977 the company changed its name to NAMCO and in 1978 established Namco America Inc. in California. In 1979 Namco introduced Galaxian, it's first arcade videogame. This was followed up by Pac-Man and Pole Position among others.

NANO SYSTEMS CORPORATION: Contributed by Dan Eicher of the Hoosier TI-99/4A Users Group in Indianapolis, IN. NANO Systems was a PO Box 24344 Speedway, IN 46224 (317) 244-4078 firm that produced a Reference Card for the TI-99/4A in 1982-83 that consisted of 20 sides covering:

    * ASCII Device Control Codes
    * CALL COLOR character sets
    * CALL SOUND usage
    * Color Codes
    * Creating Your Own Graphic or Sprite
    * Derived Functions
    * Disk Drive Error Codes
    * Disk System Notes
    * Error Message interpretation
    * Extended BASIC IMAGE and PRINT USING patterns
    * File Naming Conventions
    * Graphics and Sounds CALLs
    * Hex/Dec Conversion Chart· Input/Output information
    * Memory and Data tips
    * Notes for the TI-99/4 PHP2500 Printer
    * OPEN Statement
    * Printer Escape Code Functions
    * Program Control
    * RS232 Error Codes
    * RS232 Notes
    * Special Characters and Operators in TI BASIC
    * Special Key Functions
    * Speech Words
    * Sprites
    * TI BASIC Commands
    * TI BASIC Functions
    * TI BASIC Reserved Words
    * TI BASIC Statements
    * Using Key 0 Units with CALL KEY

NATIONAL LOGO EXCHANGE, THE: A TI LOGO newsletter founded by Bill Mattson in August 1982 that offered 9 issues per year for the price of $25.00. It was announced in BYTE magazine on page 428.

NATIONAL USED SOFTWARE/HARDWARE CLUB: A spin-off enterprise of Burns-Koloen Communications, publishers of MICROpendium.

    * July/August 1993

NATURAL SCIENCE:   PHD 5086 - Release Announced 4Q/1982 - Release Cancelled 2Q/1983 - MSRP $29.95 -- One of eleven math and science programs developed by the Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (MECC) for grades one through eight. These programs are standard, in-school computer programs. Requires disk, disk drive and controller, and Extended BASIC Command Module.   Listed in 1982-83 Elek-TEK catalog for $24.95. Although this program and the other 10 titles from Minnesota Educational Computing Company are listed in TI's June-December 1982 'U.S. Consumer Products Suggested Retail Price List',  neither it nor the other titles were ever released. TI's explanation for the cancellation was that the MECC products duplicated educational themes that already existed in the 99/4A's library of software.

    * PHD 5078 - Metric and Counting
    * PHD 5079 - Elementary Economics
    * PHD 5080 - Elementary Math and Science
    * PHD 5081 - Astronomy
    * PHD 5082 - Word Beginnings
    * PHD 5083 - Exploring
    * PHD 5084 - Math Practice
    * PHD 5085 - Science Facts
    * PHD 5086 - Natural Science
    * PHD 5087 - Social Science
    * PHD 5088 - Teacher's Toolbox


    * Fewer characters used in a key field will result in a larger database. One 99er reported that he used a 10-character telephone field as the key field in a membership database and ran out of computer memory at 2500 records because the computer ran out of memory to story the key field data. He recommended using only 4-characters out of the phone number field. (MICROpendium Mar87, p.8)

NAVARONE DBMS TUTORIAL: William Gaskill - Released 3Q/1989 - MSRP $0.00 - A 20-page tutorial booklet with companion disk that was commissioned by Jerry Price of Tex*Comp Users Supply in Granada Hills, CA. It was initially offered as an incentive to buy the Navarone DBMS program, but later offered as a separate purchase for $9.95.

NAVARONE INDUSTRIES: 510 Lawrence Expressway #800 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 866-8579 firm that produced assembly language coded, cartridge-based, productivity tools for the TI-99/4A such as the DBMS, Console Writer, Homework Helper and Speed Reading cartridges.

NEECO: New England Electronics Company, a 679 Highland Ave. Needham, MA retailer that was among the early allies of the TI-99/4, promoting it with full-page ads in major publications such as BYTE magazine. The illustration included here comes from the September 1979 issue of BYTE Magazine on page 159. In the advertisement NEECO "Proudly announces the revolutionary TI 99/4 Personal/Educational Computer!" The ad lists the 99/4 for $1150.00, which includes the Console, Video Monitor and Demo Module. The Solid State Speech Synthesizer listed for $149.95 is said to be available in October or November, and it sports a 263 word vocabulary. Finally, the ad states "NEECO is pleased to announce that we have been slected as one of the TI 99/4 computer distributors for the new Texas Instruments 99/4 Home Computer. Our goal is to make the TI 99/4 computer, in addition to our many other products, available to independent computer stores nationwide. 99/4 product availability is September/October, but it is always subject to Texas Instruments' 99/4 product allocation."

NOLTE, SID: Author of the Early Logo Learning Fun cartridge for the TI-99/4A.

NORRIS, WILLIAM C.: Founder of Control Data Corporation and major force behind the Plato educational software products.



    * Addvance
    * Cars & Carcases
    * Crosses
    * Hordes
    * Khe Sahn
    * Maze of Ariel
    * Sengoku Jidai
    * Ships!
    * Spad MKII Flight Simulator
    * Starship Pegasus
    * Tickworld
    * Winging It

NUFEKOP: In 1981, a little company named Nufekop was one of the first developers, other than Commodore, to create games for the then-popular Vic 20. Here's founder Scott Elder: I was owner of Nufekop and wrote all but two games of the 40+ we sold. We were among the first third-party Vic 20 software companies and there was a time when there were only a few dozen games nationally available and more than a dozen of them were ours and selling tens of thousands of copies. Those were such fun times. I spent EVERY night at an arcade, doing research (playing). The days were spent 'lifting' ideas from games and figuring ways to duplicate some essential piece of play in 3K. We sold so many cassettes, we could hardly make them fast enough. 3-D Man (not a very good game, though a great idea at the time) came from an idea I had, mainly trying to skate around being sued by Atari. They where suing everyone with a Pac-Man clone, us included (VikMan). The suits got thrown out by a judge claiming they were filing too many suits; I heard over 4000. At the time everyone was trying to do simple little variations to Pac-Man trying to make a new game, I just took a simple maze generator and added dots and ghosts. A good enough idea that I saw CBM displaying a pirated copy of it at a large trade show in vegas. I see they just came out with a 3D Pac-Man for one of the new game consoles. COMPUTE! magazine once ran a letter from a reader asking about the name Nufekop. Scott insisted it was of druid origin, but of course it is "poke fun" spelled backward.

NUMBER BOWLING/SPACE JOURNEY: nb_sj SF30306-3 - Released 1983 - MSRP $75.95 -- A Solid State Software Command Module containing two distinct programs in one cartridge. Number Bowling is designed to teach concepts involving decimal numbers, and Space Journey is designed to teach concepts involving percentages. Scott, Foresman designated the cartridge as Module C in their Mathematics Action Games Series. Module A consisted of Frog Jump, which deals with Number Order, and Picture Parts, which deals with Basic Operations involving numbers. Module B consisted of Pyramid Puzzler, which deals with Multiplication, and Star Maze, which deals with Division. There were only Modules A, B, and C in the series. In Number Bowling students receive points according to the speed of their responses. Number Bowling is a 1 or 2 player educational game.  In Space Journey students compete against the clock to solve a series of problems. Space Journey is a 1 player educational game. Both programs provide directions within the program, and both provide 3 levels of difficulty; Amateur Level, Pro Level and Champion Level.

NUMBER MAGIC: PHM 3004 - Released 2Q/1979 - MSRP $19.95 --

User Comments (provided by John E. Taylor and other members of the Shoals 99er Uer Group in 1985): This module can show your child that mathematics can be fun and a rewarding experience. Learning activities provide valuable practice and exploration with numbers that is enriching and exciting. Working at the pace and level of difficulty that best matches individual capabilities, children can test and improve problem solving skills and gain a better understanding of the basic functions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Correct answers are rewarded with good scores, colorful animated screens, and sound effects. Incorrect answers prompt an encouraging <Try again> from the computer. For children 6 years and older.

NUMERATION 2: PHM 3051 / SF 30216 - Released 4Q/1983 - MSRP $39.95 - An educational cartridge program written under license from Scott, Foresman and Company. According to the documentation (1053590-51) "Introduces your child to concepts such as "greater than", or "less than", "rounding", and place value. Suitable for grades 5 through 7". This cartridge is a follow up to Numeration 1 (PHM 3050), and was probably lucky to get released. Many of the cartridges scheduled for 4Q/1983 release never made it out the door as a result of the October 28, 1983 decision by Texas Instruments to abandon the Home Computer market. Released in both Texas Instruments and Scott, Foresman and Company versions. The TI version, although no different in program content, was aimed at the home market, while the Scott, Foresman version, packaged with Student and Teacher Guides, as aimed at the educational institution market.

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