Энциклопедия терминов, относящихся к домашнему компьютеру TI-99/4A


I'M HIDING: Я спрятался! картридж PHM 3155, выпущенный в 4-м квартале 1983 года по мелкооптовой цене USD59.95. -- Это образовательный картридж, продюсированный компанией "Milton Bradley Company" для домашнего компьютера "TI-99/4A". Версии этого картриджа были выпущены под маркой "Texas Instruments" и маркой "Milton Bradley" без указания номера изделия. Картридж "I'm Hiding" был частью серии программ "Начинающие звездочки" (Bright Beginnings) для самых маленьких детей. В этой программе цветная коробка яляется укрытием для пяти маленьких жучков. В игре нужно найти жучка по имени Олли (Ollie). Подробности - в статье "BRIGHT BEGINNINGS SERIES".

IBM PC AT/XT: На этом сайте вам не удастся ничего найти про этот так называемый "домашний компьютер".

IBM PCjr: Общая информация. Дата объявления: 1 ноября 1983. Цена по прайс-листу USD998.00 (для сборок тип 4860-004) или USD1918.00 (для сборок тип 4860-067)

    * IBM-4860-004 IBM-4860 PCJRSYS системный блок (64K) и клавиатура
    * IBM-4860-067 IBM-4860 PCJRSYS системный блок 128K)и клавитура
    * IBM-4863-001 IBM-4863 PCJR цветной монитор

Это кусочек оригинального информационного сообщения; сегодня IBM объявляет компьютер модели IBM PCjr Начальной (Model 4) или Продвинутой (Model 67) конфигурации. Компьютеры типа IBM PCjr компактные, дешевые, разработаны для домашнего использования для образовательных целей в личном использовании, для обучения и для игр. Системные характеристики:

    * микропроцессор: Intel 8088 (16 bit)
    * частота: 4.77Mhz
    * сопроцессор: нет
    * разрядность системной шины: 8 бит
    * Количество слотов расширения: 1 PCjr
    * Венешние разъемы: 2 разъема для картриджей (поддержка до 128кб ROM), 17 PCjr разъемов для подключения различных внешних устройств.
    * Количество памяти мин/макс на системной плате: 64/128kb (или на прицепных модулях по 128 кб до 512 кб using
    * Тип памяти:
    * RAM:
    * DRAM 250ns non-parity.
    * ROM: 64kb (с интерпретатором языка MS BASIC)
    * Кеш: n/aPhysical description
    * Источник питания: 33 Вт внешний постояного тока
    * Вес: 3.71 кг включая привод дискет
    * Габариты (HxWxD): (97 x 354 x 290mm)
    * Отсек для приводов: 1 (5.25 дюймов высотой)
    * Дисковод гибких дисков: 5.25 inch half height
    * Ёмкость: 360 кб (двусторонняя дискета)
    * Жесткий диск: нет
    * Ёмкость:
    * Время доступа:
    * Интерфейс:
    * Размер экрана: 14 дюймов
    * Тип монитора: 4863 PCjr Color Display (разъем RGB, 0.43 размер точки, 60 Гц/15.75 кГц (по вертикали/по горизонтали))
          o Поддерживаемые графические режимы: 40/80 текстовые колонок, 160x200 16 цветов, 320x200 16 цветов, 640x200 4 цвета
    * Тип клавиатуры: беспроводная инфракрасная(IR), низкопрофильная, 62-клавишая, типа пишущей машинки, питание от батареек
    * Операционная система: IBM PC DOS версия 2.10
    * Конфигурации
          o 4860-004 - системный блок с памятью 64kb, 62-клавишная инфракрасная клавиатура, 2 слота для картриджей
          o 4860-067 - системный блок с памятью 128kb (с возможностью расширения памяти на 64kb и видеокартой), 62-клавишная инфракрасная клавиатура, 2 слота для картриджей, дисковод гибких дисков 5,25 дюйма ёмкостью 360kb с переходником
    * Options
          o Некоторые общие дополнения включают:
          o IBM PCjr дисковод гибких дисков (8600005)
          o IBM PCjr расширение памяти 64KB и видеокарта (8600007)
          o IBM PCjr параллельный порт принтера (8600009)
          o IBM PCjr подсоединяемый джойстик (8600010)
          o IBM PCjr кабель клавиатуры (8600012)
          o IBM PCjr модуль беспроводной клавиатуры (8600013)
          o IBM PCjr модуль подключения телевизора(8600020)
          o IBM PCjr кабель адаптера для магнитофона(8600022)
          o IBM PCjr кофр для переноски (8600023)
          o IBM PCjr переходник для последовательных устройств (8600026)

ICE CAVERNS OF XEN: Ледяные пещеры Ксена номера по каталогу "Tenex": 12401 для кассеты и 12416 - для дискеты -- номера по каталогу "Unisource" #FUT C 4020 - для кассеты и FUT D 4020 - для дисекты -- Выпуск 1982 -- Рекомендованная розничная цена $16.95 - для кассеты или USD18.95 - для дискеты от "Tenex" или USD19.95 для обоих форматов - для кассеты и для дискеты от "Unisource" -- Автор - Нил Уайншток (Neil Weinstock), который также написал игры "Cosmic Drift" и "Moonduster" для компании "Futura". Это текстовая приключенческая игра, в которой нужно найти алмаз Ксена, обладающий необычной силой, и который скрыт в ледяных пещерах. Версия на кассете работает в среде "TI BASIC". The disk version requires TI Extended BASIC. (по описанию в каталоге "Tenex" з осень-весну 1985, стр.5 или по каталогу "Unisource" на осень 1984, стр.50)

ID SOFTWARE: Creators of the programming algorithm used in Castle Wolfenstein 3-D. Tom Hall, John Romero and John Carmack first met as employees for Louisiana based Softdisk. Hall was responsible for coding Apple II games, Romero, after cutting his teeth on the Commodore 64 and the Apple II, worked on the PC, as did Carmack. Working without authorization from Softdisk's management, Hall and Cormack created a near perfect Super Mario clone fror the PC, which they Unleash the dogs of war dubbed Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement. It was written as much as anything as a programming exercise, but Romero was so impressed by their work that he arranged for Jay Wilber - a Softdisk Project Manager - to approach Nintendo with a view to a PC port of Super Mario Bros. The name of the company that would handle this conversion was to be id Software. But the project was not to be. One of the major reasons for buying a NES was Mario - the last thing that Nintendo wanted was a version of the game on a format that they did not have absolute control over. Scott Miller, head of shareware publishers Apogee, managed to get hold of a copy of Dangerous Dave and offered to fund development of a complete game. Poaching another Softdisk employee, Adrian Carmack (not related to John), the id team worked in their spare time to write Commander Keen - Invasion of the Vorticons. The first two levels of the game could be freely distributed, allowing the word to spread quickly. After a couple of months the id team recieved their first royalty check - for $10,000 - and promptly quit their jobs at Softdisk. Id Software was no longer a group of friends working together, it was a proper company, founded on the 1st February, 1992. (Excerpted for the ARRGH web-site at http://www.arrgh.co.uk)

IMAGIC: A company formed on July 17, 1981 by former Atari marketing vice-president William Grubb, Atari programmer Dennis Koble, Intellivision design engineer Jim Goldberger, senior engineer Brian Dougherty (who would later write GEOS for the Commodore 64 and Geoworks for the PC), and 5 other Atari employees who were spirited away by Grubb.

INC: Information Utilities Company. An idea backed by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and Source Telecomputing Corporation founder Jack R. Taub that was going to use NPR (National Public Radio) to broadcast computer programs over FM airwaves into homes with radio modems that would be able to download them to their computers. The information on INC appears in the October 1982 issue of Compute! Magazine on page 38. As far as I know, the idea never got off the ground.

INDOOR SOCCER: PHM 3024 - Released 2Q/1981 - MSRP $29.95 -- A two player game designed to emulate indoor soccer. Each player simply moves their soccer players on the field to score goals. According to the documentation (1037109-24) "All the excitement of live soccer in your home. The most realistic soccer game yet devised, with all the fun of the real game." As far as I can determine, this is the first cartridge software produced for the TI-99/4 that specifically supported the use of TI's Wired Remote Controllers. The program allows the soccer players to dribble, pass, and tackle and take shots, make saves and of course make goals. Since this is pre-99/4A era stuff, the graphics for the game are primitive. I never sensed that this was one of the better sellers in the TI-99's cartridge library, and suspect that graphics quality and overall playability were at the core of the problem. This is another of those early TI-99/4 games which also never got a new generation cover for the documentation.

User Comments: Strictly a two player game, you and your buddy can go toe to toe on the field. you set the length of game, name your teams, and control one key player on your five man team. The ball caroms nicely off of the wall as you pass it down the field while your opponent tries to intercept it. You can change your controlled player as well as control the speed and direction of the passes.


    * Cutthroats --
    * Deadline -- A wealthy businessman has been found found dead in the library of his mansion from a drug overdose. Your task as the investigator is to follow clues, collect evidence and identify the murderer...before he does you in.
    * Enchanter -- Journey into the world of magical powers. YOU are a novice magician whom Fate has chosen to do single-handed combat with a dark and fierce power. But worldly weapons will avail you naught, for your foe is the Evil Warlock who holds Sway over the land. To defeat him, you will have to match your skills as a necromancer against his, using spells you have learned from your masters in the Circle of Enchanter, and others you will acquire as you proceed on your quest. If you succeed, you will be elevated to a seat in the illustrious Circle; if you fail.. .but one does not speak of such things.
    * Infidel -- You are marooned by your followers in the heart of the deadly Egyptian Desert. A soldier of fortune by trade, you've come hither in search of the great lost pyramid and its untold riches. Now, alone, you must locate and gain entry to the tomb, decipher hieraglyphs, and unravel its mysteries one by one. Through the Antechamber, the Barge Roam, the Chamber of Ra, death will lick at your heels as you race to the shattering climax of this match of wits between you and the most ingenious architects, builders, and cutthroat, of all time. .the ancient Egyptians.
    * Planetfall -- You are teleported forward a hundred centuries to a Stellar Patrol ship of the Third Galactic Union, where your rank is Ensign 7th Class.., about as low as you can go. But then your luck takes a turn for the better. Your ship explodes. Which really is fortunate, because you're thereupon jettisoned away to a mysterious, deserted world. True, the planet is plagued by floods, pestilence, and a mutant Wild Kingdom. But there. also Floyd, a mischievous multipurpose robot and the ideal companion with who, to brave your new world as you explore its secrets, dare its dangers, and attempt to discover a means of saving it.
    * Sorcerer -- A cryptic diary is all that remains in the sanctum of Belboz The Necromancer, grand and powerful leader of the Guild of Enchanter.. To rescue the kingdom and locate your mentor, you must gain the powers of a true SORCERER. A sequel to ENCHANTER.
    * Starcross -- It's the year 2166. You are destined to rendezvous with a gargantuan starship from the outer fringes of the galaxy carrying an alien world, a complex puzzle, and a challenge that was issued eons ago, from light-years far away. .one that only you can meet
    * Suspended -- You are buried alive in a cryogenic capsule deep inside an alien world. When an earthquake disrupts the systems of the Underground Complex you inhabit...systems that surface life depends on. ..you must stabilize conditions. However, you can only do so by commanding your six robots, each of whom perceives the world differently, to perform actions for you. If you save your world from utter destruction, you've just begun. SUSPENDED is designed to be replayed numerous times as you learn to optimize your strategies. You can also go on to two more levels of play, and there's even an option that let, you customize the game.
    * Witness -- A whodoneit thriller of the thirties with you as the dectective. It's a case of blackmail that turns into murder before your eyes, and anyone from the knockout heiress to the poker-faced Oriental butler could be the killer. As in DEADLINE, your suspects act with minds of their own, and you have just 12 hours to solve the crime. Armed with a police file packed with crucial physical evidence, you face the tangled web of clues, motives, and alibis, and the only testimony you can trust is that of your own eyes.., because you are the WITNESS.
    * The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy --
    * Zork I: The Great Underground Empire -- confronts you with perils and predicaments ranging from the mystical to the macabre, as you strive to discover the Twenty Treasures of ZORK and escape with them and your life.
    * Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz -- takes you into the new depths of the subterrean realm. There you'll meet the Wizard, who will attempt to confound your quest with his capricious powers.
    * Zork III: The Dungeon Master -- is the test of your wisdom and courage. Your odyssey culminates in an encounter with the Dungeon Master himself, and your destiny hangs in the balance. When Infocom created these adventures for the TI-99/4A they deliberately made the "dat" files split, so users would have to press a key to load the second half of the files. This was done because the games were released on flippy disks, and a pause in the process was needed so the user could turn the disk over. The split was made on a logical boundary... most if not all of the first file (which contained many non-static variables and memory structures) was loaded into memory expansion. The second file on the flip side of the disk contains all of the text and program logic. (Barry Boone - barryb@pennet.com) INFOPRO: A database manager written by Tom Callen for the Commodore CBM series of computers.

INFOPRO: A Database Management system designed for the Commodore 8032 computer in 1982, marketed by PSI (Professional Software Inc.) of Needham, MA. Advertised as able to interact" with the WordPro family of word processing programsalso from PSI. (Compute! Jan83, p.9)

INFOWORLD LISTINGS: Following is a partial list of newsbytes, reviews and other material published by InfoWorld pertaining to the TI-99/4A. The timeliness of the articles does not necessarily coincide with the actual release of a product.

    * 13-Year Olds Design Games for TI, Apple - 12/20/1982, p.37.
    * Addition and Subtraction, an Educational Package - 2/8/1982, p.30.
    * Adventure Series: Games From Texas Instruments - 4/12/1982, p.26.
    * Amid Economic Woes, TI Enhances 99/4 - 7/20/1981, p.31.
    * 99'er TI-Fest for 99/4A Enthusiasts - 10/18/1982, p.11.
    * Car Wars, a Car-Racing Game for the TI-99/4A - 4/12/1982, p.28.
    * CDC's PLATO Educational Program to Run on TI Micro - 7/5/1982, p.29.
    * Consumer Electronics Show Wows Vegas - 2/1/1982, p.1.
    * Editor/Assembler for Programmers of TI Micros - 11/1/1982, p.34.
    * Enter the TI 9900 - 4/27/1981, p.40.
    * Hardware News: New Peripherals - 6/20/1982, p.86.
    * Micro Makers Hike Advertising budget to Woo More Customers - 2/8/1982, p.18.
    * Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who's the "User-Friendliest" of Them All? - 4/5/1982, p.11.
    * Mini Memory, Utility Module for TI Programmers - 10/4/1982, p.46.
    * New Speech Synthesizer From TI - 6/14/1982, p.24.
    * Personal Record Keeping from Texas Instruments - 10/26/1981, p.28.
    * Software News - 5/31/1982, p.47.Ј Software News - 6/7/1982, p.60.
    * Speak and Math, an Educational Program That Talks - 4/26/1982, p.26.
    * Texas Instruments' "Mystery Rebate" - 3/16/1981, p.33.
    * Texas Instruments Presents: Real Keyboard Access - 7/20/1981, p.33.
    * Text Wizard: Inexpensive Text Editor from DataSoft - 11/30/1981, p.32.
    * The Attack, a Space Game From Texas Instruments - 2/15/1982, p.27.
    * The Personal Real Estate Command Module from TI - 11/30/1981, p.60.
    * TI and Phillips Will Package UCSD Operating System With Micros - 4/26/1982, p.11.
    * TI Closes Its Retail Stores, Opens Learning Centers - 6/20/1982, p.20.
    * TI Computer Clubs Offer Hands-On Usage - 7/5/1982, p.28.
    * TI Introduces New Video Controller - 12/7/1981, p.1.
    * TI Invaders, an Arcade-Style Game for the TI-99/4A - 4/26/1982, p.32.
    * TI LOGO, an Educational Computer Language for Kids - 1/16/1982, p.23.
    * TI Lowers Its Peripheral Prices - 2/8/1982, p.4.
    * TI Offers Rebate in Preparation for Holiday Season - 8/30/1982, p.4.
    * TI Retires From Home-Computer Market - 11/21/1983, p.22.
    * TI-99/4A, TI's Second-Generation 16-Bit Micro - 10/18/1982, p.55.
    * Vendors Plan to Supply 99/4A Products - 11/28/1983, p.23.

INNERMOST SECRETS OF THE TI-99/4A, THE: innermost Patch Publishing - 1984 - MSRP $5.95 -- A book that is a collection of articles from Computer Shopper by columnist Randy Holcomb. Also contains a listing of the disassembled  TI-99 DSR and several commercial advertisements with a historical bent. Contents includes an Introduction; Memory Map; The TMS9918A Video Display Processor; Architecture of the TMS9900; UCSD p-System for the 99/4A; DSR Fundamentals; File Organization; and a section About the Author from Stan Veit. Illustrations, figures and tables include Memory Map; Color Table; Pattern Graphics Name Table Mapping; Graphics I Mode Mapping; Pattern Display Mapping; Graphics I Mode Color Table; Text Mode Name Table Pattern Positions; Mapping of VRAM Into the Pattern Plane; Pattern Display Mapping; Graphics II Mode Mapping; VDP Display Planes; and Sprite Attribute Table Entry.

INTEGERS: PHM 3094 - Released 4Q/1982 - MSRP $39.95 -- An educational cartridge programmed by John C. Plaster which presented a variety of math problems using positive and negative numbers. It is one of twelve such cartridges that were produced for Texas Instruments by Milliken Publishing. Designed for children in grades 5-8.

INTELLESTAR: INTELLESTAR's approach to educational software was quite different. First, they had science tapes, which nobody else had. These included the classic "CELLS: the  Building Blocks of Life," which is one of the greatest things ever done on tape. Actually, it is on three tapes. Also in their Life Science series was "Inside Frankie Stein," an interactive trip through the human body, and "Heart Attack," where you, as doctor or nurse, must monitor a patient to prevent an attack. Other science and math activities included "Fireball" and "Vyger" (their spelling). "States Alive" was their social studies contribution. But their masterpiece is "E.T." - "The Everything Teacher." This 6-tape educational gem should be in every teacher's classroom, in every home where there are children. Basically, there is a file editor. This creates the master data base for all the programs that make up this classroom environment. The four one/two player or team games include "TV Sweepstakes," which is a game show that uses the created files. It's a funny and fast-paced and graphically well-designed show that requires quick thinking on the part of the participants. "Baseball" is just that. Graphically the "batter's team" hits and scores as in regular baseball, but only by answering the data-based questions. The same or different questions may be used for "Space Patrol - Lost!" and "Last Jellybean on Earth." All four of these "quizzes" are lots of fun and ingeniously created.  The "Everything Teacher" guides you easily through their data base to create, literally, everything you need for the children (or adults) you want to have play these games. Score is kept in each game, too. So, conceivably, you could have some math, language, science, social studies, and whatever files for all occasions. -- Intellestar text above was written in 1993 by Jack Sughrue East Douglas, MA as part of his TI-101 series of articles.

INTELLIVISION: Visit http://www.makingit.com/bluesky/people/index.html , an excellent resource for the fan of the Intellivision, and interesting reading for any fan of the Home Computer Era.

INTERFACE AGE MAGAZINE: This California-based publication is credited by Willis, Miller and Johnson in their book Things To Do With Your TI-99/4A Computer as having "led the way in describing home applications of the microcomputer". Interface Age can also take credit for being the first magazine to publish the names of the first command modules for the original TI-99/4.

INTERNATIONAL 99/4A USERS GROUP: A late arriving users group formed by Jim Robinson 1778 Hays Dr. Louisville, CO 80027 in December 1983. Annual dues were $5 which entitled the member to a bimonthly newsletter entitled the 4A Forum.

INVENTORY CONTROL: Bizware Inc. - Disk Drive Only - Released 1983 - MSRP $39.95 --  Allows you to name your records. Keeps up to six (6) columns of information for up to 1000 items. The columns are Name, Quantity, Item Cost, Total Cost, Reference Quantity, and Note.

INVENTORY MANAGEMENT: PHD 5024 - Released 1Q/1981 - MSRP $69.95. A Texas Instruments produced TI BASIC program designed to manage inventory information, that can also be used in conjunction with the Invoice Management program PHD 5027. It requires 1 disk drive, the use of the Solid State Thermal Printer or an RS-232 and an 80-column printer, plus either the Personal Record Keeping (PRK) or Statistics command module. Thes modules provide the Extended BASIC-like screen displays for Inventory Management , and they provide additional functionality such as sorting the inventory. Up to 900 inventory items can be stored on a single diskette. See also BUSINESS AIDS; CASH MANAGEMENT; FINANCE MANAGEMENT; INVOICE MANAGEMENT; LEASE/PURCHASE.    

INTRODUCTION TO GRAPHICS FOR THE TI-99/4A: A 122 page book authored by Mr. John P. Grillo, Dr. J.D. Robertson and Ms. Terry Zbyszynski in 1984 that was published by William C. Brown Publishers in Dubuque, IA.

INVOICE MANAGEMENT: номер по каталогу PHD 5027 - Выпущена программа на дискете во 2-м квартале 1981 - рекомендованная производителем розничная цена USD69.95 -- Это созданная "Texas Instruments" программа на языке "TI BASIC", предназначенная для создания печатных счетов, которую также можно было использовать совместно с программой "Inventory Management" (Управление инвестициями) на диске PHD 5024. Программа работает с 1 или с 2 дисководами, использует принтер шириной 80 колонок, а также с управляющими картриджами "Personal Record Keeping" или "Statistics", для работы с экранным интерфейсом наподобие того, что у языка "Extended BASIC", что дает дополнительные возможности благодаря ресурсам этих картриджей. Например, можно использовать программу "CONVERT1" на дискете "Invoice Management" для конвертации структуры файла в формат записей картриджа "PRK", чтобы сортировать свои счета, сохранять сортированные записи на дикету, или использовать программу "CONVERT2" для конвертации сортированных записей обратно в формат программы "Invoice Management" и для чтения этих новых файлов. Программа "Invoice Management" могла работать с 1 или с 2 дисководаим гибких дисков, но при запуске нужно было в настройках программы указать конфигурацию системы. Если выбрана конфигурация, в руководстве пользователя (номер по каталогу 1041554-27) названная "System 1", это означает, что пограмма будет работать только с одним дисководом для хранения данных счетов. Если имеются два дисковода и если выбрана конфигурация "System 2", то оба дисковода можно использовать для хранения данных. Конфигурацию "System 1" можно переключить на "System 2" в любой момент, однако конфигурация "System 2" не может быть переключена в "System 1". Конфигурация "System 2" рекомендуется для работы одновременно программ "Invoice Management" и "Inventory Management", потому что они могут работать совместно. Конфигурация "System 2" позволяет работать с 560 пользовательскими записями, или с 400 встроенными записями в программе "Inventory Managemet". С помощью программы "Invoice Management" пользователь мог создать счет, пополнить его, распечатать его, удалить этот счет, конвертировать данные в формат картриджей "Personal Record Keeping" или "Statistics", и обратно. К сожалению, использование картриджей с программами PRK или Statistics было утомительным процессов, который требовал от пользователя иметь для этой цели отдельную дискету с данными, которые следовало скопировать в файл CUST с дискеты, работающей с программой "Invoice Management" на эту онвую дикету, потом выйти и вызвать в "TI BASIC" приглашение, после чего набрать команду CALL P(8000), выйти в цветной экран, после чего запустить повторно программу "Personal Record Keeping" или "Statistics". Да уж! Программа "Invoice Management" входила частью в бибилиотеку "Business Aids" (Помощник безнесмену). Подробности можно найти в статьях BUSINESS AIDS; CASH MANAGEMENT; FINANCE MANAGEMENT; INVENTORY MANAGEMENT; LEASE/PURCHASE.


IUG: The International 99/4 Users-Group. A cottage industry TI-99/4 Home Computer support business, started in August 1980 by Charles LaFara, an Oklahoma City businessman and TI-99/4 hobbyist. On August 12, 1980 LaFara sent out a letter to the 1,600 known TI-99/4 owners on Texas Instruments' mailing list, announcing his intentions of forming the 99/4 Users-Group. Over 1,500 of the letters came back with a resounding request for software to run on their machines, help with hardware purchases and news about what they could expect for their machines in the future. By September 1980, LaFara had incorporated his venture and was off and running.

IUG 4000: The product designation for a $419.00 TI-99 Peripheral Expansion Box hardware system bundle, that was offered by the International 99/4 Users-Group. The offer first appeared in a half-page advertisement in the September 1983 issue of Enthusiast'99 magazine on page 6. The bundle consisted of:

    * PHP 1200 - Peripheral Expansion Box
    * PHP 1240 - Disk Controller Card for use in the Peripheral Expansion Box
    * PHP 1250 - Full height, SS/SD Disk Drive for use in the Peripheral Expansion Box
    * PHP 1260 - 32K RAM Memory Expansion Card for use in the Peripheral Expansion Box
    * Your choice of TI Logo II, Multiplan or TI Writer

IUG MASTER SERIES: Сборник лучших приложений, написанных участниками этой группы, который президент группы Чарльз Лафара (Charles LaFara) с компанией рекламировали как лучшие из лучших в своей категории. Ориганальное название сборника "Master 99":

    * M9-100 Data Base 500 $14.95 Ј M9-101 Data Base 300 $14.95
    * M9-120 Accounts Receivable (500 records) $14.95
    * M9-130 Accounts Receivable (double-sided disk drive required) 2000 records $14.95
    * M9-150 Bookkeeping System (requires two disk drives) $14.95
    * M9-160 Point of Sale System (requires dual tape recorders) $14.95
    * M9-170 Retail Accounting System $14.95
    * M9-180 Infocenter Records System $14.95
    * M9-190 Food Management System $14.95
    * M9-200 Departmental Budgeting $14.95
    * M9-220 Product Cost Allocation $14.95
    * M9-230 The Bowler's Record $14.95
    * M9-240 D Station (cassette version for Mini Memory $12.95
    * M9-241 D Station (requires Extended BASIC & 32K RAM) $14.95
    * M9-242 D Station (requires Editor/Assembler & 32K RAM) $14.95

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