H.I.M.S.: VMC Software -
Released 3Q/1985 - MSRP $29.95 -- An integrated home data manager with
windows, an on-screen calculator and calendar. Provides checkbook
program capable of maintaining multiple accounts; an addressbook for
storing up to 200 names and a home inventory module to record valuable
property information. Disk system, Extended BASIC and 32K memory
expansion are required.
CLUB: A company named located at 7220 Eastex Freeway Beaumont, TX
77708 that advertised the Girder Man arcade game for the TI-99/4A in
May 1984 Computer Shopper. Another ad in the same issue also offered
the opportunity to, "KEEP THE TI99/4a ALIVE. Join The Hacker Shack Club
7220 Eastex Freeway Beaumont, TX 77708. SASE for details"
THE TI P-BOX: Following is a list of half-height 5.25" floppy
drives that are known to be compatible with the TI-99/4A, and that fit
nicely inside the floppy drive bay.
Shugart 455s
HALL, BRYAN D.: Colorado Springs, CO author of Track-Hack copier.
HAMMONS, MARK: Author of
the Disassembler program that was part of Republic Software's Utilities
I product.
TI-99/4A specific command module with a cable connecting the module to
an interface, which in turn connects to a transceiver for Ham Radio use
powered by the TI-99/4A. It was produced by Kantronics Inc. 1202 E.
23rd St. Lawrence, KS 66044 (913) 842-7745 copyright April 1, 1983. The
Hamsoft module software features included:
Send/Receive Morse Code at a rate
of 5-99 words per minute,
Send/Receive Radio Teletype at
60, 67, 75 and 100 words per minute,
Send/Receive ASCII text at 100
and 300 baud,
Optional upshift on space,
Optional diddle,
Parallel printer compatibility,
Keyboard audio feedback,
Optional automatic ID,
Word wraparound,
Optional automatic carriage
Optional automatic linefeed,
Message ports storage,
Time transmission, and It was
callable from TI BASIC.
GROUP: See also: MICROpendium Sep84, p.29.
HANGMAN: PHM 3037 - Released 2Q/1980 -
MSRP $29.95 -- This is a 6K, computerized version of the classic kid's
word guessing game, but with many really nice additions. While the
graphics are typical blocky images, compliments of the TI-99/4's limp
TMS9918 Video Display Processor, the program offers a One-Player game
that provides a 'Regular Game', or a 'Scramble Game'. In 'Scramble
Game' the letters you pick are placed so they appear in the order
picked from left to right, not in the correct place they would belong
if the word was spelled correctly. In the Two-Player game the fun gets
better. Here you have the option of each player guessing the same word,
each player guessing a different word, or each player gets to enter a
word for their opponent. If that's not enough, you can also inject a
time factor in the game to put more pressure on the player, using a
built-in 30 second 'clock' that is measured by a flasshing red
underline that takes 30 seconds to move from H to the last N in the
word hangman. The Hangman program was created for TI by the same Milton
Bradley Company that makes all the board games we grew up with. But
like all MB cartridges of the day, it was actually manufactured at TI
facilities in Dallas. Curiously, the MSRP on Hangman dropped to $19.95
in 1981? I've never found an explanation for this. The cover info on
the documentation (1037109-37) reads, "Can you guess the correct
letters in this secret word game before your hangman figure is "hung"?
The Hangman Command Module offers excitement and challenge as you try
to guess the correct letters in this secret word game. Playing against
the computer or an opponent, you have only 11 guesses before your
hangman is "hung". The program lets you play against the computer or
another player, it allows you to use words randomly selected from the
list that is preprogrammed into the cartridge, or you may enter your
own list of up to 60 words, of up to 12 letters each, that the computer
then selects at random. If you have a cassette recorder or a Texas
Instruments Program Recorder (PHP 2700) and the necessary Single
Cassette Interface Cable (PHA 2622) or perhaps you are the owner of the
Dual Cassette Interface Cable (PHA 2000), you can even save your
'customized' list to cassette tape for later use. Disk drives,
printers, speech synthesis and joysticks are not supported. While
Hangman is not what I would consider a 'rare' cartridge in the sense
that most original Exceltec or Sunware cartridges are rare, it is also
far from being 'common' like TI-Invaders or Munchman or Parsec are
'common'. A possible reason for this status is the cartridge's apparent
lack of popularity; meaning it didn't sell well. Cartridges that didn't
move quickly were not given 'cosmetic facelifts' by Texas Instruments
in 1983. This means that while the program was the same dependable
code, it was placed in a more upbeat, white colored cartridge casing,
with a new, more colorful 'artsy' cover on the same old instruction
manual...that is of course, if it was a fast mover on the retail
User Comments: Hangman is a module game just like the game
you have played on paper. You are trying to guess a word before the man
gets hung. With the Hangman module you can play against the computer or
an opponent. You can use the words that are already in the module or
create your won word list. You can save your custom list on cassette
tape if the cassette tape player is connected to the computer. ONE
PLAYER GAME. You can select to play a regular game or a scrambled game.
The regular game places the letters you guess that are in the word, in
the proper place in the word. The scramble game places the letters in
the word in the order that you select them. when the last letter is
chosen in the word, it is unscrambled and displyed in its proper form.
TWO PLAYER GAME. In the two player game you have several choices you
can make for the game. You can each guess on the same word. You can
guess on different words, or each opponent enters a word for the other
one to guess. Another feature you can add to the game is to place a
time limit on each guess. there is a red line that starts flashing
under the H or HANGMAN as your turn starts. It takes about 30 seconds
for it to reach the last letter in the word. There is no penalty
assessed by the computer for the time delay. The scaffold has 11
pieces. If a wrong letter is guessed, one piece of the scaffold appears
in the center of the display. Also one point is subtracted from the
score. You continue guessing until the word is spelled or you hang your
man. Another use for this game is to put your child's spelling list
into the custom list each week. Then the child can practice spelling
the words as they play a game. It can prove to be very helpful.
DISKS FOR THE TI-99/4A: Myarc WDS-100 Personality Card system --
Myarc Hard and Floppy Disk Controller Card.
T & J Software - Released 3Q/1990 - MSRP $15.00 -- T & J are
assembly language programming wizards Dr. Tom Freeman and Mr. Jim
Lohmeyer. Hardback is a TI-99/4A and Myarc Geneve 9640 utility designed
to back up entire hard disk drives for these two computers, or any
portion of the hard drive being used on a 99/4A or Geneve.
COMPUTER SOLUTIONS: 834 N. Glenville Richardson, TX 75801 (214)
699-8998 firm that offered a two-tier Home Computer Workstation for the
TI-99/4 that allowed the home computer to sit on one tier, while the
daisy-chained peripherals were housed on the other tier. Three models
were offered ranging in price from $265 to $300 depending upon width.
See 99er Magazine Nov82, p.20.
Asgard Software -- Released 3Q/1990 -- MSRP $14.95 -- A Colin
Christensen authored utility for sector editing hard disk drives.
Supports editing of up to four sectors at a time. Both ASCII and HEX
output is available. All other 'standard' sector editing features are
is also supported. This is the only application I ever saw from this
talented Australian programmer. It is very likely that he left the TI
Community in disgust, shortly after software pirates took his
Hardmaster application and began distributing it on Bulletin Boards for
free downloading, See also: MICROpendium Aug90, p.44 -- Asgard News
V2N2, p.13.
BILL: Author of Fastran and Class programs among others.
WORD PROCESSOR: Harrison Software - Released 1989 - MSRP $14.00
-- Bruce Harrison released his "Word Processor" (aka HWP) to the
TI-99/4A commercial market in July 1989 at a retail price of $14.00.
The program consisted of a two-disk set with one SS/SD floppy disk with
the program files, and one SS/SD flippy disk that held the
documentation. A special program named PRINTMAN was created to run out
of Extended BASIC, that printed the 48 page instruction manual. It even
prompted the user to flip the disk over to print the remaining pages in
the manual.
Although HWP produces documents stored in DF/80 format, Bruce
opted to release the documentation files on the flippy disk in the more
standard DV/80 format. This made them conveniently accessible and
easily manageable to someone who was already familiar with TI Writer or
any of it clones. Also to the credit of Bruce Harrison and Harrison
Software, free customer support was available after the purchase, up to
midnight Eastern time. How's that for going the extra mile?
In late 1989 Bruce discovered a couple of 'bugs' in the HWP
configuration code, that he corrected immediately, and then followed
that up with a newsbyte that appeared in the January 1990 MICROpendium,
announcing the discovery of the bugs, the fact that they were fixed,
and that existing owners who were affected
by the bugs could receive a free replacement disk for the
In March 1990 Harrison Software released what Bruce called
the "New Model" of HWP. Outwardly, the only way to tell the 'new' model
from the 'old' model, is the copyright date on the main program menu.
The old model bears a 1989 copyright date, and the 'new' model is
copyrighted in 1990. No version numbers are
visible on either release.
The new model was Ram Disk compatible (because Bruce had
obtained a Ram Disk himself, and could now code to it), and could
support disk drive designations from 1-9 and A-Z. It also allowed the
use of non-alpha and non-numeric characters in document names. Several
other improvements involving faster loading time of the main program,
greater printer support and multiple copy printing were added to the
'new' model.
The late Stan Krejewski, who pioneered the MICROreviews for
the MICROpendium magazine, reviewed HWP in the April 1992 issue. He
gave the program deservedly high marks, because it is without a doubt
one of the least intimidating productivity tools to come down the pike
for the TI-99/4A. Bruce NEVER tried to convince TI Writer / TI Writer
clone users to switch to HWP. His entire market appeal was to those who
never mastered the intracacies of TI Writer, or those who simply did
not have the time or the inclination to tackle TI Writer.
As far as I know, the Harrison Software Word Processor is
still a commercial product, never having been released as freeware,
fairware, shareware, trialware or any other name used for try before
you buy software packages.
DAVID and GENE: Not-Polyoptics. Gene is the owner and founder.
David is the author of the Spad XIII Flight Simulator that was
eventually 'put in a can' (Ken Hamai's term for burning a program in
cartridge form) by DaTaBioTics.
JAMES: 159 Dover Road Spartanburg, SC 29301. Founder of TIMOSSA,
a catalog company offering programs for the TI-99/4A. Mr. Harvey also
authored Whizspread , a spreadsheet like report generator. See also:
MICROpendium Oct84, p. 31 -- MICROpendium Mar85, p.39
JEFFREY and RICHARD: Authors of the book "TI BASIC", 1984,
Prentice-Hall. (Byte Dec84, p.424)
FREDERICK: Author of X-Disassembler, an Extended BASIC program
capable of disassembling compiled TMS9900 object code.
TERRI: Owner of The Data Process, a firm which marketed Bugout,
an assembly language debugger that was reviewed in the May 1984 issue
of Enthusiast 99 Magazine. The review raised some eyebrows months later
when MICROpendium author John Koloen questioned the apparent conflict
of interest of a software marketer reviewing a product for commercial
publication that they had a financial stake in? The matter would
surface again some 16 years kater, when Gregg Wonderly, the author of
the program, contacted Home Computer Encyclopedia and Timeline with the
following information: "There is some slightly inaccurate information
in July 1984 section of the timeline. The BUGOUT debugger was written
by myself, Gregg Wonderly, and Terri Heim, a friend and associate
provided The Data Process as a store front for the sales. The original
information was published in the Enthusiast'99 in the May/June issue,
page 17 with an add on page 20. -- Gregg"
PECKED: Romox Inc. and Navarone Industries -- Released 3Q/1983
and 1Q/1986 -- MSRP $37.50 and $14.95 -- A game cartridge that was part
of the Romox Software Center offerings, where you could buy their ECPC
(Edge Connector Programmable Cartridge) then take it to any 7-11 and
have the clerk burn a new game on the cartridge for you, once you tired
of the game that was already on the ECPC. However, when Romox (founded
by computer community icon Paul Terrell) went bankrupt in 1985,
Navarone bought the rights to the game (or took them back, since it may
have been their's in the first place), and re-released it under the
name Chicken Coop in 1986.
Funware -- Released 2Q/1983 -- MSRP $32.95 -- A game cartridge.
INTERFACE: An offically released peripheral that was designed to
link the 99/4A low-cost peripherals that could also be used with the
TI-99/2, the Compact Computer 40 and the TI-74 programmable calculator.
It appeared in the June 1, 1983 official TI Price List for $59.95, and
was officially released according to TI Historian Dr. Charles Good, but
it never appeared in any marketable quantity unfortunately. The
peripherals that were manufactured for use with the interface were
smaller than existing devices, plus they were stackable so they
occupied a much smaller footprint on the user's desktop. Photos of
various Hexbus peripherals can be seen in the February 1983 and March
1983 issues of 99er Magazine and 99er Home Computer Magazine
respectively. See also: Part # 1049000-1 on Product Numbers page.
PERIPHERALS: With the exception of the Printer 80, which was
released in 1984, the Hexbus peripherals were never released by Texas
Instruments. Despite the fact that the Hexbus Interface was listed in
TI's official price list, it had received FCC certification and it was
promoted in a color photo on all of the beige colored 99/4A console
packaging, neither the interface, nor any of the products created to
work with it ever made it to the consumer market. Dr. Charles Good of
the Lima, Ohio User Group theorizes that the reason for the Hexbus'
demise was the failure of the wafertape drive to live up to performance
and reliability expectations. According to Good, who owns a wafertape
drive, it is not a very reliable storage device, especially when used
on battery power.
* PHP 1300 Hexbus Interface -- $ 59.95
* HX 1000 4 Color Printer/Plotter -- $199.95
o "The Texas Instruments Printer/Plotter gives you hard
copies of all your work. Words. Numbers. Plots. Even graphics can be
reproduced in up to four colors. You can easily make pie charts, bar
graphs, line charts...even create pictures. You can select four
different print angles and 10 different type sizes. Print up to 36
characters per line, with print speeds up to 11 characters per second.
Printing colors are red, blue, green, and black. It uses standard 2 1/4
inch plain paper. The Printer/Plotter has its own rechargeable power
supply using a detachable recharger (included)".
* HX 1010 Printer 80 -- $249.95
* HX 2000 Wafertape Drive -- $139.95
o "TI Wafertape cartridges offer a convenient, low-cost way
to store data or programs. Continous loop tape cartridges are available
with a variety of storage capacities (up to 48K) allowing optimization
of response time during use. Tapes are completely computer controlled
and require no rewinding. The Wafertape system is much faster and more
accurate than start/stop audiocassette drive systems. A 4K program can
be loaded in less than 10 seconds. And built-in file management allows
you to access files by name rather than having to remember position
numbers. The TI Wafertape drive comes with an AC Adapter -- it may also
be powered by 4 AA batteries (not included)".
* HX 3000P RS232 w/Parallel Interface -- $124.95
o "The HEX-BUS RS-232 Interface will let you connect other
accessories to the TI-99/4A Home Computer. For example, you can connect
a full-page 80-column printer -- such as the TI Impact Printer. The
HEX-BUS RS-232 Interface is powered by 120 volt AC".
* HX 3100 Hexbus Modem -- $99.95
o "For use with the TI Home Computer through the Hex-Bus
intelligent peripheral port, this low-cost peripheral is a 300 baud
full-duplex, direct connect device that is Bell 103 compatible. Battery
operated, the modem is able to send and receive data simultaneously. It
plugs directly into the phone line using standard modem plugs. With the
modem, users can access the TEXNET Information Service, which includes
THE SOURCE computer software service for business, education, and home
entertainment. Since the RS-232 function is built into the modem, users
have a low-cost means of accessing office, home or data base computers.
The unit uses 4 AAA batteries".
See Myarc Hard and Floppy Disk Controller.
DIGITIZER: See also: 99er Magazine V1N2, p.53 and p.54.
history of the personal computer is written by Stan Veit, the
editor-in-chief emeritus of the Computer Shopper magazine. The
book covers the history of the computer revolution from the Altair to
the IBM. It also has a chapter discussing the rise and fall of the
TI-99/4A and the ensuing computer wars of the 80's. This book should be
great reading for any classic computer fan!
SYSTEMS: Manufacturer of a 32K RAM unit for the the TI-99/4A in
1983. Their product was released during the first quarter of 1983 at a
suggested retail price of $159.95.
GRAVITY: Asgard Software - Released 1987 - MSRP $14.95 -- A Tom
Wible authored space and ballistics simulation, written in c99. A space
station is trapped deep within a solar system with crushing gravity
fields. You must shoot your unguided resupply capsules to the
scientists on board, or else. Version 2.0 features a solar system
editor for creating test situations. Also has load and save options.
The Asgard catalog reads, "This truly amazing simulation of space will
astound. Shoot your supply capsules through complicated gravity fields.
An excellent game for students of physics. Simple to use, but you
control all the variables of space flight." See also: MICROpendium
May91, p.32.
GENE: Founder of Arcade Action Software company in Wisconsin,
and long-time supporter of the TI-99 Community. Game designer and
programmer responsible for such titles as:
* Alpine Skiing - ski down a course through red and blue
flags while avoiding the trees
* Bonkers - try to catch the falling bonkers with your
bonker catcher
J. Peter: James Peter Hoddie. JPH started out on a TI-99/4A as a
young person (early teens?) and in 1983 was writing games (Fishy
Business, J. Freddy Frog, Klimbing Kong, Nuclear Rain, Space Battle:
2101) and selling them under the company name Optimus Software. His
name became known in the TI-99 community (as I remember it anyway)
after he joined CompuServe's TI Forum and began to contribute neat
little utility programs to the public domain (1985-86). Not long after
he began to show his prowess as an assembly language programmer, and an
accomplished writer/contributer of articles about things TI-99 in
Between 1986 and 1989 he wrote and released:
* Fontwriter
* Fontwriter II
* GRAM Packer
* Horizon RAM Disk EPROM
* JPH Assembler for the Geneve
* My-Word 80-Column Word Processor for the Geneve
* My-Word Externals for the My-Word application
* Pre-SCAN-It
* Sort Experiment
and many other apps too numerous to mention.
During his tenure in the TI-99 Community JPH wrote a monthly
column for the Boston Computer Society's newsletter, he was a
contributor to Asgard News and to MICROpendium to mention a few. Seems
like he was also the author of Warren Agee's First Base DBMS
instruction manual? Not 100% sure on that one though. My memory's not
what it used to be.
Along the way he formed Genial Computerware, a company which
marketed software from such notables as Wayne Stith, Jerry Coffey and
JPH himself. In August 1989 JPH went to work for Apple Computer and he
moved to Menlo Park, CA where he renamed his Genial Computerware
company to JP Software, operating the firm out of his apartment. By
1991 JPH had all but left the TI-99 behind him (he was a MAC disciple
now) and JP Software changed hands amidst complaints of non delivery of
paid for products.
As an Apple employee J. Peter Hoddie can take credit for
being the chief architect behind Apple's QuickTime movie playing
software. He stayed with Apple until February 2000 when he left to form
Generic Media in Palo Alto, CA. A long way from a TI-99/4A in Grafton,
CARY: Owner, with father Larry Hoffman, of Tex*Comp LTD, a firm
which began life on April 1, 1995 after the Hoffman's purchased the
TexComp Users Supply business from founder Jerry Price.
ACCOUNTANT: See Encyclopedia C for Continental Software entry.
COMPUTER COMPARISON CHART: An internal marketing tool that TI
used in its dealer contacts to show the strengths of the TI-99/4A
against the competition. While the chart is not dated, based upon other
material in the package, it appears to be something that was used in
1983. Comparisons were made against the Commodore 64, the VIC 20, the
Coleco Adam, the Atari 400, 600 and 800 models and the SpectraVideo
SV-318 home computers. Categories compared were Console ROM, User
Accessible RAM, Microprocessor type, Languages Available, Current
Availability, Console Warranty length, Software modules currently
available, Free Programming Course availability, Number of Service
Centers and amount of rebate.
COMPUTER DIGEST: An advertising vehicle used by Gary Kaplan's
Emerald Valley Publishing for revenue generation, after they made the
bold claim that they would no longer support advertising in their Home
Computer Magazine. They didn't. Kaplan simply moved the advertising to
a separate publication. Pretty clever. Although I can't verify the
number of issues of Home Computer Digest that were published, I own
five total:
* September 1984
* November 1984
* February 1985
* Volume 1, Number 1 and
* Volume 1, Number 2
* VOLUME 4, NUMBER 1 o LOGO Apollo (logo) - o Larry's Ten
Fiddle Tunes (basic) - o Flak Attack (basic) - o Meltdown (x/b) - o
Music Assembler (basic-mini memory) o Music Magic (x/b) - o Slots
(basic) - o Tower of Hanoi (basic)
* VOLUME 4, NUMBER 2 o Cannibal (basic) - o Frogo (logo all)
- o Logofiles (logo procedures) - o Sea of States (x/b) - o Tablut
(x/b) - o The Electronic Home Secretary (basic)
* VOLUME 4, NUMBER 3 o Bars and Plots (basic) - o
Cyber-Cypher (basic) - o Elementary Addition and Subtraction (basic or
x/b) - o Logo Flakes (logo) - o Missle Math (basic or x/b) - o Snap
Calc (x/b) - o Wild Kingdom (x/b)
* · VOLUME 4, NUMBER 4 o Boolean Brain (x/b) - o Logo
Spreadsheet (logo) - o Market Madness (x/b) - o Missionary Impossible
(logo) - o Stadium Jumping (basic or x/b) - o Tax Deduction Filer (x/b)
* VOLUME 4, NUMBER 5 (contains a folded page entitled "A
Snap-Calc Sampler") o Bird Brain (x/b) - o Division Tutor (x/b) - o
Jumpling Ahead with Game Programming (Peg Jump, basic or x/b) - o Logo
Clones (logo) - o Personal Loan Calculator (basic, on side B) - o
Personal Loan Calculator (x/b) - o Quiz Construction Set (basic or x/b)
- § Quiz Make and Quiz Take § German1 (quiz file example) § German2
(quiz file example) § Trivia (quiz file example) § Vocab1 (quiz file
example) § Vocab2 (quiz file example) o Slither (basic or x/b)- o
Snap-Calc Data File (Seattle, side B) - o Snap-Calc Logic File
(Tripcost, side B) - o Snap-Calc Update (x/b mergeable file containing
bug fixes. To be merged with Snap-Calc from HCM On-Disk V4N3. § Place
On-Disk V4N3 in drive 1 § Type OLD DSK1.CALC § Place On-Disk V4N5 in
drive 1 § Type-MERGE DSK1.SNAPFIX § Save new version of Snap-Calc to a
disk that has at least 31 sectors free.
* VOLUME 5, NUMBER 1 o Electronic Backgammon (x/b) - o
Kors-Elf (x/b) - o Logo Sailing (logo) - o Orbital Defender (basic or
x/b) - o Orbital Defender (x/b) - o Organizer (x/b with 32K memory and
disk system req'd) - § *Filemngr (file manager) § *Organize (main menu)
§ *Outline (outline editor) o Personal Loan Calculator (basic or x/b) -
o Quiz Print (basic or x/b) o Wordwood (basic or x/b)
* VOLUME 5, NUMBER 2 o Evacu-Pod (x/b) - o It Figures (x/b)
- o Laserithmetic (basic or x/b) - o Music Key (basic or x/b) - o
*Organizer File Example (*remodel_d, randon access file data) o
*Organizer File Example (*remodel_l, randon access file link list) o
Outline Editor Update (outline_fix) o Sea of States Update (seast_fix)
o Switch 'n' Spell (basic or x/b) - o Tax Deduction filer Update
(deduct_fix) The Organizer Reports (x/b)
* VOLUME 5, NUMBER 3 o Achilles and the Turtle (a_race1 and
a_race2, logo) - o Budgetron (basic or x/b) - o Evacu-Pod Update
(evcpd_fix) o Geometrix (basic or x/b) - o Horizon (x/b) - o Over-React
(basic or x/b) - o Personal Loan Calculator Update (lnclcb_fix) o TI
Tech Note (screen editor, x/b)
* VOLUME 5, NUMBER 4 o Archeodroid (basic or x/b) - o
Composer (x/b) - o Mine Over Matter (x/b) - o Run-Day-View (basic or
x/b) - o Trig-Trix (basic or x/b)
* VOLUME 5, NUMBER 5 (SS/SD 179 sectors) o Bugout (x/b) - o
Cyber-Abacus (x/b) - o Card-Trix (x/b) - o Nanoprocessor (basic or x/b)
- o One-Liner (x/b) - o Plains of Salisbury (basic or x/b) - o
Ten-Liner (basic or x/b) - o TI Tech Note (Error Recovery) o Vital
signs (basic or x/b)
* VOLUME 5, NUMBER 6 o Cell Mates (x/b) - o NanoAssembler
(basic or x/b) - o NanoEditor (basic or x/b) - o One-Liner (x/b) - o
Razzle Dazzle (basic) - o Serf City (basic or x/b) - o Ten Liner (basic
or x/b) - o TI Card Shufffler (x/b) - TI Ventriloquist (basic or x/b)
COMPUTER WARS: A delightful book written in 1984 by former
Commodore employee, and Jack Tramiel collegue Michael Tomcyzk.
Announced in December 1984 from Compute! Books, it is now out of print.
I was fortunate enough to track down a copy in 1986, that apparently
was found in a Pennsylvania warehouse, just after Compute! was sold to
ABC Publications. If you find one on eBay or at a yard sale, scarf it
up. It's good reading. There's not a lot about Texas Instruments, nor
the TI-99/4A, but that doesn;t hurt the book's value.
FINANCIAL DECISIONS: PHM 3006 - Released: 2Q/1980 - MSRP $29.95
-- A Home Management cartridge that provides home and car buying,
personal savings and general loan calculations along with the ability
to change variables in order to create various "what if" scenarios.
Data cannot be saved to a storage device nor can it be printed. A
rather strange decision on the part of Texas Instruments? Was carried
in the Tenex Computer Express catalog as item #15939 and in the Triton
Catalog as item #AEAA.
FINANCIAL MANAGER: hfm PHL 7001 - Released: 1Q/1982 - MSRP
$139.95 -- The TI Home Financial Manager album can help you gain better
control of your family's financial planning with these three Solid
State SoftwareTM Command Modules: Home Financial Decisions, Household
Budget Management, and Personal Real Estate. Based on the information
you enter, the data supplied by the modules can assist you in making
decisions regarding your budget, investments, major purchases (such as
a car or home), loans, and savings. The Household Budget Management and
Personal Real Estate modules require an audio cassette tape recorder
and the TI Cassette Interface Cable or the TI Disk Memory System (TI
Disk Drive Controller and TI Disk Memory Drive)-sold separately.
HELPER: Navarone Industries - Released 4Q/1984 - MSRP $49.95 --
A word processor with special features designed to help organize high
school to college level homework assignments. Includes a 20,500 word
spell-checker on disk, and a separate instruction manual supplement,
which was pretty advanced 'stuff' for its time. As is/was consistent
with virtually any Navarone product, the documentation for an otherwise
great piece of software, was an embarrassment. For example...page 3,
PIO is listed as P10. Navarone's advertising blub went like this; "
Makes homework fun, develops basic computer skills. The new educational
program for children 8 years and older, features a built-in 20,000 word
checker dictionary to identify spelling errors. Homework Helper is a
simple-to-use tool for improving study habits, written work quality,
and planning class asignments. Homework Helper contains a word
processor which includes standard format book reports and class
projects. DISK DRIVE REQUIRED". Carried Tenex Computer Express item
#31877, and Triton Products item #BAAC
HUNT: PHM 3156 - Released 4Q/1983 - MSRP $49.95 -- Part of the
Milton Bradley Bright Beginnings Series of educational cartridges
developed for the TI-99/4A. According to the documentation
(1053590-1056), the program is "A delightful game patterning and
prediction for your child to play alone or with you. Especially
designed for ages 5 to 8". This cartridge can be used with or without
the MBX Expansion System. The TI Solid State Speech Synthesizer is also
supported if you have it. Unfortunately, Milton Bradley Co. did not
give credit to the programmers or designers who created their software,
and I've not been able to find out who wrote this program yet.
PHM 3229 - Released 4Q/1983 - MSRP $29.95 -- One of two games that I am
aware of which were written by TI employees under the company's
Employee Author Incentive Program. The other is Sneggit was written by
James R. Von Ehr II. Hopper was written by TI employee John Phillips,
with assistance from TI employee Michael Archuleta. According to the
documentation (1053590-2029), "Three evil circus trainers are trying to
capture Chadly, the Australian Kangaroo. With quick thinking and clever
strategy, you can help Chadly escape danger and captivity. " The game
was moderately popular with 99/4A owners as far as I can determine. It
supports use of joysticks.
RAM DISK: The first RAM DISK for the TI-99/4A. Created by Ron
Gries, David Romer and John Clulow. Ultimately sold to Bud Mills of Bud
Mills Services, who still owns it today (2002).
STEVE: Michigan assembly language programmer who authored CSGD
Label Maker in 1990 and released it as Fairware. Last version
available, v1.1, was released in May 1991.
BUDGET MANAGEMENT: PHM 3007 - Released 2Q/1979 - MSRP $44.95 --
A Home Management cartridge that supports cassette or disk storage.
Does not provide hardcopy printouts unless you have Bob Lawson's HBM
Print utility that was written for Buehrer-Hahn Software. Why Texas
Instruments would produce a financial cartridge that will not print
financial reports is beyond comprehension? One nice feature of HBM is
that it is NOT date sensitive, meaning it will accept 01 and interpret
it as meaning the year 2001. Uses rounded to the dollar expenditure and
income amounts. Provides up to 34 active budget categories from a list
of 99 unchangeable ones. Supports graphing, matrix analysis by month or
account and projections. Released in the 2nd Quarter 1979 at a
suggested retail price of $44.95. Price dropped to $39.95 in 1981 and
stayed there until TI dropped the home computer product in October
1983. According to the documentation (1037109-7) "A step-by-step guide
to better money management. Helps you set budget guidelines, track
income and expenses, spot problem areas, keep easily accessible
records. Easy to use!"
LARRY: Ларри Хьюз - владелец и основатель компании "Quality 99
а также автор программы "Super Disk Cataloger", которая
компанией "J & KH Software".
CHUCK: Чак Хэмфрис
- руководящий сотрудник в компании "Navarone Industries".
THE WUMPUS: PHM 3023 -- Released 2Q/1981 - MSRP $24.95 -- A game
cartridge that was among the earliest produced for the original 99/4
Home Computer. It is a maze game where the player must search caverns
for the Wumpus using randomly generated mazes offering three levels of
difficulty. Because it was written for the 99/4, the program does not
offer bit-mapped graphics but is still fairly challenging and mildly
entertaining. According to the documentation (1037109-23) "An exciting
simulated hunt in a hidden maze of caverns and twisting tunnels! Seek
out the lair of the Wumpus, while avoiding perils along the way."
Joysticks are supported.
User Comments: Requirements: The basic console. Summary: Deep
in a dark and twisted maze lives a creature called the Wumpus. Hiding
in its lair, the Wumpus wants to ambush careless explorers who enter
its cavern. In hunt the Wumpus, you play a hunter, looking for clues to
help you find the Wumpus and fire a single arrow into its cavern. At
the same tine, you must avoid the perils of the maze... slime pits,
giant bats, and the Wumpus itself. Hunt The Wumpus has three levels of
maze difficulty- Easy, Hard, o Pro. You can also try it Normal,
Blindfolded, Express, or Blindfolded and Express.
BILL and KATHY: Owners of Foundation Computing in Tiburon, CA.
PHM 3034 -- Released 1Q/1981 -- MSRP $24.95 -- Direct a snake-like
object to hit targets while avoiding your opponent, the edge of the
screen and even yourself. Developed by Milton Bradley Co.
User Comments: A fast action 1 or 2 player game requiring lightning
fast hand-eye coordination and quick thinking! you score points by
outmaneuvering your opponent or the computer. The games challenge your
ability to make split-second decisions while maneuvering a snake on the
playing area. Each game has three skill levels. Joystick optional.