относящихся к домашнему компьютеру TI-99/4A

FACE CHASE: Exceltec - Unisource# STA 110 - Released 1984 - MSRP $29.95 -- A John Phillips authored game cartridge. The chase is on! Skill and practice are needed to negotiate the maze of catwalks, ladders, and crossbars in this delightful game. You control the character named "Boppie" who bops and climbs his way along, picking up faces one at a time. Нужна осторожность, "Hungry Snappers" patrol the maze. With eight different levels of difficulty, each player is able to complete at an intriguing level. At the more difficult levels you must use your "Snapper Repeller" and "Umbrellas" to evade the Snappers jaws.

FACEMAKER: PHM 3177 - Released 4Q/1983 - MSRP $39.95 -- A Jerry Spacek (author of Defend the Cities) port of a popular Spinnaker Software educational game. Cartridge conversion by John M. Phillips. According to the documentation (1053590-1077), "Three fun activities provide an introduction to computers and an opportunity to improve memory skills. For children ages four to twelve." The three activities mentioned are: Build A Face; Program a Face and Play Game.

User Comments (provided by John E. Taylor and other members of the Shoals 99er Uer Group in 1985): This is one of those "Gee I whish they had that when I was a kid" modules. The idea is simple. You are presented a blank face and you begin making a face. First you add eyes, then hair, a nose, ears, and a mouth. You are given 8 choices in each of these groups. That allows you to create a very wide and varied set of faces. After building your favorite face, it is time to begin animating it. Press E to wiggle the ears, W to wink, C to cry, S to smile, F to frown, and T to stick out your tongue. Once this is done, you can write a program, or series of instructions for the face to do. Enter up to 25 letters and let it go. The results can really be great. Finally, you can play a SIMON game with the face. It makes faces at you and you tell it what it did. Each time it adds one more expression and you try to keep up with it's every move. This module is really cute. Children of all ages should like it because they get to design the face they want and make it do what they want.

FACT AND NON-FACT: PHD 5243- Released 4Q/1983 - MSRP $49.95 -- TI PLATO educational application.

FACTORY DIRECT SALES: A 1317 East Colorado Street, Glendale, CA 91205 vendor who advertised the TI-99/4 Home Computer in November 1979. Their price for the complete system, which consisted of the console and 13" color monitor was $999.95.

FAMILY ACCOUNTING: Westernware - Unisource# WES 100 - Released 1984 - MSRP $29.95 / $34.95 -- A home productivity application offered on disk or cassette tape. Contains the following modules:

Checkbook Manager - provides 30 accounts
Home Budget Planner - sets up a monthly budget
Household Inventory - Records up to 100 household items
Mini Mail List - Stores up to 100 names.

FAMILY ENTERTAINER: PHL 7002 - Released 1Q/1982 - MSRP $89.95 -- With the new TI Family Entertainer package, the whole family can enjoy limitless hours of fun, intrigue, and challenge. The handy binder contains three exciting Command Modules suitable for all ages-The Attack*, A-MAZEING, and Hunt the Wumpus. Whether your opponent is the computer or a friend, these games provide you with easyto-set-up, action-packed entertainment. First, select a level of difficulty. Then, test your gameplaying skills. In no time at all, you'll have devised your own winning strategies. *trademark of Milton Bradley Company

FAMILY GAME: набор игр "Для всей семьи". Это три игры - Challenge Poker, Match Wits и Roll Five, написанные Томасом Кроном (Thomas Krohn) на фирменном языке программиирования TI Basic. набор поставлялся только на кассетах; номер по каталогу компании "Pewterwarе-Unisource" PEW 106C. Выход в свет в 198? году по цене 14,95 долл.

FAMILY PROGRAMMER, THE: I have no idea how many issues of this newsletter were produced since I have only seen the Summer 1983 issue, sent to me by Mike Wright of Salem, NH. It is an 8.5" x 11" professionally printed product which was formerly called TI Source & Logo News. Both TI Source & Logo News and The Family Programmer were the product of Jerald Greenberg, owner of Microcomputers Corporation in Armonk, NY. I do know that the Summer 1983 issue was the "first", because Editor-in-Chief Andrew Bromberg tells us that in his opening editorial. The issue that I have covers some unique material, that I've not found in print anywhere else. For example, you can find descriptions of Early LOGO Learning Fun, E.T. And His Adventures On Land and E.T. And His Adventures In Air on page 11. Also described are Word Radar, Word Invasion, the MBX System, Mini-Writer, and the CC-40.

FANTASTIC FRACTIONS 1: Although several TI-99 cartridge lists that I have seen posted on the Internet list this as a cartridge title, it is actually the screen sub-title for the Scott, Foresman and Company Fractions 1 educational cartridge programmed by Thomas Hartsig. It contains practice and training on:

What is a Fraction?
A Fraction of Many
Equal Fractions
Mixed Numbers
Applications and Review

The code for the cartridge exists in GRAM file format and may be available at ftp.whtech.com as a download (not verified). A GRAM Kracker, P-GRAM card, GRAMulator or GRAM KARTE is needed to run the this file.

FANTASY: PHM ???? - Released ?/198? - MSRP $00.00 -- One of the 'never released cartridge titles for the TI-99/4A. "I had GRAM files of this game sitting around my software collection for some time, but I couldn't get them to work. Recently I carefully read my Gram Kracker and P-Gram documentation and began playing around with the headers of my FANTASY files. As a result of these efforts I now have a partially working version of FANTASY. There is nothing in the printed literature concerning this game (nothing in The CYC, no advertisments in any 1983/84 computer magazines) and no mention of TI or a copyright on the game's title screen. There is little doubt however that this was under development by TI prior to abandoning the Home Computer in late 1983. I think this game was on TI's GRAM emulator, used by the company to demo 99/4A cartridge software at public exhibitions in 1983. Examining with a sector editor the Fantasy GRAM file that loads into RAM at >6000, I find the text "SOLID STATE CARTRIDGE" and "(c) 1983 TI". These text strings do not appear anywhere in the game, but suggest ownership by TI. "Solid State Cartridge" is an official TI service mark (trade mark) that cannot legally be used by others.

When the game starts you hear a female voice say "Help! Help!". Apparently it is your job to rescue her. You are given your choice of

1 or 2 players, and then
1- Ship at sea
2-Ship's deck
4-Jungle maze

These are apparently game levels. Successful completion of one level automatically advances you to the next. The game uses joysticks or the split keyboard for movement and firing. Continuously, the girl says "Help!" or "Help me!".

1-Ship at sea. The girl is on a pirate ship. The hero is in a balloon which has to be guided to the ship's deck. The ship's cannons try to shoot down the balloon.

2-Ship's deck. Our hero has to fight off the ship's crew and get to the girl who is in a cabin in the center of the ship. I have never been able to do this successfully.

3-Jungle. Our hero is in a balloon floating over the jungle. Flying above the jungle are two large ugly birds which try to puncture the balloon. Our hero has to avoid the birds.

4-Jungle maze. This is a multi level "Donkey Kong" like maze. Our hero is at the bottom of the maze and has to climb to the top where the "Help help" girl can be seen. I can't get this level to work at all. The computer seems to be locked up. Anyone who wants partially working GRAM files of this game can have them by sending me a disk and paid return mailer." (Charles Good Lima BB&P Feb 1994 - cgood@nicsweb.com)

FARM MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PACKAGE: AMA - Unisource# AMA 114 - Released 198? - MSRP $139.95 - A series of programs requiring Extended BASIC, two disk drives, 32K memory and a printer. Modules provided are:

Beef Feeding Grain Analysis - Calculates data, stores data for retrieval, and produces a report on both screen and hard copy. Covers a beef feeding animal from birth or date of acquisition through date of sale. Reports includes weight per day of age, gain per day, 205-day and 365-day adjusted weights.
Beef Weaning Weight and Adjustment - Calculates the adjusted 205-day weaning weight from factors such as calf sex, actual weaning weight, and age of dam. Produces a report to screen or printer that includes gain per day and weight per day of age.
Cow/Calf Enterprise Analysis - Calculates and saves feed, labor and management costs, animal replacement, interest, depreciation and overhead.
Ewe/Lamb Enterprise Analysis - Calculates and saves feed, labor and management costs, animal replacement, interest, depreciation and overhead.
Feed Mixing and Blending Formulation
Loan and Land Purchase Analysis
Sow/Pig Enterprise Analysis - Calculates and saves feed, labor and management costs, animal replacement, interest, depreciation and overhead.

FAST-COPYer: Quality 99 Software - Released 1984 - MSRP $19.95 -- A full-featured, 3-pass disk copier that will initialize, copy and verify automatically. It would eventually be upgraded and renamed Quick-Copier, then Quick-Copier II.

FASTEXT/80 PRINTER: A budget priced parallel printer from Smith Corona that provided a host of features at an affordable price. It supported normal sized text printing at 80cps, condensed, elite and enlarged type, all with true descenders. Users could also change the international character set, underline characters and change the line spacing and form length. An automatic line feed could be set using the single DIP switch on the back of the printer and in graphics mode one could print up to 576 dots. The standard printer could accept paper up to 10in. wide and a tractor feed was available as an option for fan-fold paper. The standard friction feed was apparently prone to paper snags. The initial setting up is well documented but the list of control codes is poorly laid out and is a mine-field for newcomers. Although the codes are Epson compatible the common DCA is replaced by ESC W, ESC J executes at n/72 rather than n/216 and ESC C only operates on the number of lines. The front panel has only an on-line button, line feeds and form feeds have to be sent by software or by using the manual knob. There is an LED to show if you are on-line but there is 'no end of paper' warning. (compliments of http://www.sincuser.f9.co.uk/036/hardwre.htm)

FATHOM: PHM 3222 - Released 3Q/1983 - MSRP $39.95 -- While this entertainment cartridge program would not be classified as being 'rare', it is certainly one of the least common cartridges to be produced for the 99/4A. It is an excellent game, fun, challenging and well programmed by Neil McKenzie for Texas Instruments. The original game was created by Rob Fulop for the Atari 2600. According to the documentation (1053590-2022) "Free Neptune's daughter! Change from a seagull to a dolphin and search the skies and seas for the missing pieces of Neptune's magical Trident. Aviod perilous obstacles on your way. Find all the Trident pieces and you can free Neptina!" From the Fall 1984 Unisource Catalog/Encyclopedia, "Enter a fantasy world of adventure as you rescue Neptina. Reassemble Neptune's powerful Trident that has been changed into magical stars and scattered among the clouds in the sky and seahorses in the sea. Transform yourself into a seagull or a dolphin to search for pieces of the Trident. As you travel the sky and the sea, the screen automatically shows your progress. Maneuver past invisible barriers blocking your course. Time is short! Your efforts to rescue Neptina rapidly drain your energy. Save Neptina before your energy is gone or she will be held captive forever!

FIELD, PETER A.: A 41 year old "hired-gun" brought in to the president of TI's Consumer Group position on September 7, 1983, to fill the position that William J. Turner quit in July 1983. Unfortunately for Texas Instruments and for the owners of their TI-99/4A product, Field was not able to rescue the home computer, and the decision to abandon that segment of the consumer electronics market was announced on October 28, 1983.

FILE BOOK: Western Properties Investment Co. - Released 1981 - MSRP $22.95 / 27.95 - Cassette tape or floppy disk versions of a record keeping program designed to store data on up to 120 entries. Disk version can sort/search on up to 6 fields.

FILE MANAGER, THE: Inter-8 Enterprises-tape only - Released 1983 - MSRP $12.50 -- A database program written in TI BASIC designed to store any type of information. Can store files of up to 8,000 characters or 600 variable length records. Up to 9 user-defined fields with automatic sorting upon entry, with no wait. Record packing for fast loads and saves. Contributed by P

FILEMATE: Ultracomp Systems - Released 1983 - MSRP $24.95 -- A small scale data base and mailing list manager.
eter Croome croome@netrover.com

FINANCE MANAGEMENT: PHD 5022 - Released 1Q/1981 - MSRP $39.95 -- A Texas Instruments produced Extended BASIC program which provides 9 financial calculations to help analyze common investment situations and determine budgetary needs. Included were Cost of Capital; Financial Need; Variable Cash Flows; Grouped Cash Flows; Depreciation; Compound Interest; Annuities; Amortization; and Days Between Dates calculations. Part of the Business Aids Library. Extended BASIC and disk required. A thermal printer or 80-column serial printer is optional. Documentation #1041554-522. See Business Aids: Cash Management, Inventory Management, Invoice Management and Lease/Purchase Decisions.

FINANCIAL ANALYSIS: River City Software - Released 1983 - MSRP $79.95 -- Disk-only software that combines several inventment type applications under a single menu. The programs cover Annuities, Bond Computation, Call Options, and Options Analysis.


FINANCIAL DECISIONS: The source of this entry is given as Unisource Electronics, but neither my 1983 Unisource Catalog, nor my Fall 1984 Unisource Encyclopedia/Catalog shows this program, so I have no idea where Mr. Kaplan nor Mr. Brader got the information for the 99er Directory?

FINANCIAL FORECASTER: Tyte Software - Announced 1983 - MSRP $14.95 -- Cassette software that allows the user to project income versus debt using a Personal Ledger file. This information is taken from the Summer/Fall 1983 99er Directory. I have never seen this software advertised anywhere, and do not know of anyone who actually owns it. The entry lists the software as being available on cassette tape only, available 1/84. Type Software PO Box 19378 Minneapolis, MN 55419-0378. A phone number of 612-825-8197 is also given, but I've never called it.

FINANCIAL SYSTEM: Creative Expressions - Unisource # CRE 100 - Released 1983 or 1984 - MSRP $125.00 -- Provides an easy to use method for small businesses to automate general ledger and journal functions. A maximum of 200 ledger accounts are available. Provides Journal Trial Blance, Cash Disbursements, Purchases, Invoices and Check Register, Income Statement and Balance Sheet reports. File content includes descriptions for Ledger Number, Ledger Description, Amount of Sale, Amount of Purchase, Amount of Payment, Invoice Number, Check Number, Date of Transaction, Customer/Vendor Account Number and Customer/Vendor Name. Requires Extended BASIC, disk and printer.

FINANCIAL WIZ, THE: Inter-8 Enterprises-tape only - Released 1983 - MSRP $12.50 --

FINGER FIGHTER: Intellestar - Released 198? - MSRP $14.95 - A typing tutor, available on cassette tape or floppy disk.

FINN, SUE: Author of the TI Extended BASIC game Dungeon Key, which was distributed by ALA Enterprises in 1983. It is a 2D maze type game that takes place in a castle.

FIRE!: Software Advances - Released 1984 - MSRP $15.95 -- An educational application bundled on the same disk or tape as Tag Tom. In Fire, the player is confronted with a maze and must direct a fire truck through the maze to a blaze at the top of the screen. See also Home Computer Magazine, V4N2, p.74 for a review by Greg Roberts.

FIRE IN THE VALLEY: THE MAKING OF THE PERSONAL COMPUTER :  In the absence of any recent TI99 news, I thought I'd suggest a terrific book that I've been reading. It's called 'Fire in the Valley : The Making of the Personal Computer' and it is written by Paul Freiberger and Michael Swaine. The book covers the history of the home computer, from the Altair, through the Apple, up to the PC. On the way, the TI-99/4A mentioned a few times (and to my surprise, it looks like hobbyists at the time weren't real eager to see TI get into the home computer business), and you also learn a bit about Bill Gates and Microsoft. All in all, I think the book is great, and I really recommend it to anyone who is a classic computer fan.
Fire In The Valley
FIRE ONE: Epyx - Released 1983? - MSRP $00.00 --

FIREBALL: American Software Design & Distribution - Unisource # AM 129D - MSRP $16.95 - Climb the volcano...avoid fireballs and holes. The game begins at an easy speed but watch out as the action speeds up. Keyboard or Joystick control. Requires Editor/Assembler or Mini Memory cartridge and disk system to play the game.

FIREBALL: Intellestar - Unisource # INT 102 - Released 198? -- MSRP $14.95 -- An arcade sty;e action game which combines math practice with entertainment. The player/student is in command of the last anti-meteor defense system on the planet Terra. As the meteors approach, a math problem is displayed on the screen. A quick and correct answer is required to destroy the meteor. Incorrect answers allow the meteors to destroy sections of the last remaining city. Available on disk or cassette tape.

FIRST DRAFT to FINAL COPY: Asgard Software - Released 1992 - MSRP $39.95 -- A word processor written by Art Gibson based upon his two-column editor and formatter program that was in the public domain. First Draft , as it has come to be known, was written at the urging of Harry Brashear, co-owner of Asgard Software, after Brashear saw the two-column editor posted on one of the online information service's TI-99 SIG. First Draft v1.0 , which used a 40-Column screen display, was released in October 1992 at a retail price of $39.95. In May 1993 v2.0 was released, but it turned out to be just as bug-infested as v1.0, though it used a scrolling 80-Column screen rather than the 40-Column screen that v1.0 used. Both versions were interesting attempts at creating an alternative to existing assembly language coded word processors for the TI-99/4A such as TI-Writer or the TI-Writer clones like DaTaBioTics' Word Writer cartridges, Tony McGovern's FunnelWeb or Paolo Bagnaresi's BA-Writer. Unfortunately for all who shelled out the money, neither version ever functioned properly. Both were full of bugs and pitfalls that made even the most rudementary word processing impossible. While Harry Brashear deserves credit for providing v2.0 at no cost to the v1.0 purchaser, in the end v2.0 was just more junk. Users looking for an alternative to TI-Writer would be much better served by using the Harrison Word Processor, or Intelpro's Companion word processor, both of which work as advertised.

To my later detriment, I contacted Art Gibson regarding First Draft v1.0, asking if he would be able to produce a version that would work with the Myarc HFDC card so I could use his program with my hard disk system. He agreed to work on it, but said he had no hard disk system himself. Stupidly, I volunteered to loan him one of my two HFDC cards for development. After several months of hearing nothing from Gibson, I called him and was told that he had shipped my card back to me and that it "must have gotten lost in the mail ". How incredibly naive of me...

FIRST-AIDE: A/D Electronics - Released 2Q/1983 - MSRP $299.85 -- A home appliance control system for the TI-99 that was produced by A/D Electronics P.O. Box 26357 Sacramento, CA 95826.

FIRST BASE: Olympus Technologies - Released 1988 - MSRP $49.95 -- A c99 coded DBMS authored by Livonia, MI programmer Warren Agee and distributed by Genial Computerware. It is a system of programs that consume three SS/SD disks for the programs and 126 pages of text for the documentation. System loading is ac­complished with either Extended BASIC, Editor/Assembler or the TI-Writer module. At least one disk drive and a 32K memory are needed. A printer is not required but, of course, is necessary if hardcopy output is desired. Like the first Agee file management of­fering, Total Filer, the FirstBase system is text oriented. It allows math to be perform­ed in select program modules but does not support formatted output of numeric data. Regardless of data type though, the system is capable of 720-byte fields, 75 fields per record, 3,000 character long records and 32,767 records per file.

FirstBase is a flat-file data base manager with a multitude of data manipulation fea­turcs. Of the six or seven most common data base programs available in the TI com­munity, only Acorn 99 and TI-Base stand in the same field with it as far as number of features offered. One of the first things you will notice is the clean design of the program. The screen displays are attractive and the menus well designed. The terms used on the menus to describe system options are generally well chosen. Access to any menu option is ac­complished by pressing the number key positioned to the left of any option (pro­gram) listed. A single keypress is all that is required to make something happen.

If you are tied to a single disk drive you will find some disk swapping required, depending upon the program module you are trying to load. A SS/SD, one disk drive owner will experience the most disk swap­ping. There are just too many programs to the system for a 90K drive. To have a com­plete system on one disk you must have a DS/DD floppy or the Myarc HFDC card with a hard disk. Because of the program’s many features, you need to read the manual before jump­ing into this program. In fact, you will find that the manual is required for just about anything you do, at least the first few times around. Agee has patterned this program after a fairly full-featured IBM-type data base manager, so you won’t find that you can get by on instinct. Unfortunately there are no help screens or tutor files in the pro­gram to reduce the learning curve. See MICROpendium Jan89, p.30 for an extensive review.

FISH & COUNT: The Upper Room - Released 198? - MSRP $19.95 --

FLAP: PHM 3??? - Released ?Q/1983 - MSRP $00.00 - Believed to originally be the TI-99/4A version of Wing War, but never released under that name. It is mentioned by name in an article on newly released or soon to be released cartridge software, that was published in the September 1983 issue of Enthusiast '99 magazine.

FLEX FILE REPORT GENERATOR: TSS Software-disk or tape - Released 1984 - MSRP $27.95 / $26.95 --

FLIP 'EM: Bit Byte Bit Software-disk or tape - Released 1984 - MSRP $7.00 --


FLIP CHECKERS: Extended Software - Unisource# EXT 111 C/D - Released 198? - MSRP $9.95 / $12.95 -- Outsmart the computer or an opponent by getting all checkers to your color. Features fast response when playing against the computer, and real time display while playing aginst the clock. Requires Extended BASIC and Joysticks. Available in disk and tape formats. Also included as one of four games included in the Extended Software Games Pak II bundle, along with Artillery, De-Cypher and Puzzle 15.

FLOPPY COPY: A disk copier authored by Chris Faherty. It was the first commercial offering to come from the assembly language wizard who also gave us such tremendous hits as TI-Artist.

FLUGELINS: See Column Attack!



FONT WRITER II: A text and graphics printing utility written by J. Peter Hoddie. It was released in March 1987, for $24.95 through Asgard Software.

FOOTBALL: PHM 3009 - Released 2Q/1979 - MSRP $29.95 -- A 12K program that allows you and your opponent to plan strategy, select offensive and defensive plays and then enjoy the action. Features 11 offensive plays and 7 defensive plays. Graphics are not bitmapped, but rather the kind found in the earlier TI (and other system) cartridges where character redefinition was used to represent portions of a graphic image. According to the documentation (1037109-9), "Exciting color action and fun for 2 players. You pick the plays, call the defense, snap the ball. The computer actually simulates the game based on professionl football statistics. Every game is different and challenging."

User Comments: This is a pretty good module. It would be a lot better if the graphics were improved, but I think this was one of the earlier modules. Two people can play or one person can play against the computer. Players pick out their own team 's name and control the offensive and defensive plays. There are eleven offensive and seven defensive plays that the appropriate player choses from.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION LIBRARY: PHL 70012 - Announced 3Q/1983 - MSRP $149.95 - This is the official title of what has come to be known as the Keys To Spanish cartridges. The package was developed for Texas Instruments by the Westinghouse Learning Center, it was officially announced by TI, but it never got produced? The package consisted of four cartridges and four cassette tapes, all designed to assist a person wishing to learn how to speak Spanish.

FORM SHOP: Comprodine - Released 1988 - MSRP $19.95 -- A manifestation of the TI-Writer editor and formatter that was cleverly turned into a Forms Development package by Comprodine owner Rodger Merritt after he realized that the TI-Writer CHARA1 file (which contained the fonts that were displayed in the editor) could be manipulated to display figures for the creation of boxes and box corners. These drawings could then be printed on a dot-matrix printer that supported the IBM character-set.

FORTI MUSIC SYSTEM: Texas Peripherals - TEX 100 - Released 3Q/1984 - MSRP $299.95 -- Although I've never actually seen one of these, nor heard of anyone who owns one, it is listed in the Fall 1984 Unisource catalog, which is where this description comes from. The Forti Music System consisted of a Peripheral Expansion Box card with four TMS9919 sound generators, a music editor and a music player. The editor and player were disk based assembly language programs written especially for use with the card. A user had control over attack, sustain, resonance and decay characteristics of generated sounds, plus it allowed generation of very low notes not possible from TI's Music Maker cartridge. The system was also capable of producing 12 voices through 2 or 4 output channels. Specifications:

Voices - 12
Output Channels - 2 or 4
Voice Pitch Range - Bass 1 octave below bass clef; treble 1 1/2 octaves above treble clef
Percussion voices - up to 4 combined bass and percussion voices may be defined within the 12 total voices
Envelope control - amplitude updated 6- times per second range 0-15
Visual Feedback - Amplitude and pitch of all voices dynamically displayed. Current measure may also be displayed
Editor Display - 64 column by 16 rows

Requires the TI Peripheral Expansion Box, 32K Memory Expansion, Disk Drive, Editor/Assembler, and a Stereo System (purchased on your own) with two Auxilliary inputs. A computer monitor rather than a TV set is recommended for clarity of the 64 column display mode.

FOUNDATION COMPUTING: A Tiburon, CA firm owned by Bill and Kathy Hunter that produced cards for the Peripheral Expansion Box.

32K Card - Released 4Q/1982 - MSRP $150.00
32K Standalone - Released 1Q/1983 - MSRP $160.00
128K Card - Released 1Q/1983 - MSRP $220.00
80-Column Video Card - Released 3Q/1984 - MSRP $249.00
Clamshell Card - Released 1Q/1985 - MSRP $??.??
Z80A Card - Released 4Q/1985 - MSRP $??.??

FOUR VEDAS, THE: American Software Design & Distribution - Unisource# AM 110 C/D - Released 1983 - MSRP $14.95 / 16.95 -- A Scott Morgan TIVentures game. A party of your tribe went on an expedition. They never returned and now it's your turn. Go on! During this adventure, you must find the ancient books of your tribe that were lost many years ago. They contain great knowledge of the past and of Magic. There are some fiarly easy obstacles and some extremely hard ones that require s lot of thinking. Sound effects included. Rated Advanced by game players.

FOURA/TALK: A series of aricles about "things TI" authored by William Gaskill from January 1989 until December 1989.

January 1989 - Software Surprises
February 1989 - DKM BASIC Compiler
March 1989 - Discoveries
April 1989 - Myarc's Hard Disk System
May 1989 - An Apology
June 1989 - AAARRRGGGHHH!!!
July 1989 - An Opinion On Our Future
August 1989 - A Hot Summer in the 99/4A and 9640 Community
September 1989 - Milestones
October 1989 - Anniversary Month
November 1989 - Trivia Roundup
December 1989 - It's Really Christmas

FOWL PLAY: Futura Software-Tenex# FUT 0138 / Unisource# FUT C 3010 - Released 1982 - MSRP $19.95 - An Extended BASIC game written by Ron Binkowski that adopted a Frogger-like theme to judge from the description of the program? From the Tenex 1982 Everything Book, "Can you help this nervous hen across the road? There are 20 lanes of rapidly moving traffic to get through!" According to the Fall 1984 Unisource Catalog/Encyclopedia, "A chicken must safely cross a 20-lane super highway, where traffic moves in both directions and at variable speeds. The chicken advances or retreats through the use of keyboard or joystick at player's option. A frustrating and action-packed game with excellent graphics which should provide countless hours of entertainment for players of all ages". Apparently it was only sold on cassette tape, and Extended BASIC was required.

FRACTIONAL NUMBERS: PHM 3095 - Released 4Q/1982 - MSRP $39.95 -- Also known as "Fractions". The Fraction Numbers cartridge is divided into 36 levels of difficulty covering material generally taught in grades four through eight (just right for my level). The program provides practice with a wide variety of skills related to fractions, including finding common factors, recognizing order of fractions, reducing fractions to lowest terms, working with mixed numbers (whole numbers plus a fractional part), finding lkeast common denominators, finding reciprocals, and changing fractions to decimals.

User Comments (provided by John E. Taylor and other members of the Shoals 99er Uer Group in 1985): An educational cartridge programmed by John C. Plaster which presented a variety of math problems involving fractions. It is one of twelve such cartridges that were produced for Texas Instruments by Milliken Publishing. No doubt because of space, TI chose to label the cartridge title as "Fractions" rather than Fractional Numbers. As you can see from the screen shot above, the program title was indeed Fractional Numbers. According to the documentation (1053590-95), "A self-paced tutor which presents a variety of math problems involving fractions. Suitable for children from grades 5 through 8."

The program includes adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractional and mixed numbers. Problems are presented both vertically and horizontally. This program assumes thay your child has mastered basic arithmetic and a certain degree of mental computation. It is very simple to use, and you can start at any level, so you do not have to go over the levels you know or have done. Plus, there are several special features that increase its motivational and reinforcement value, such as color graphics and sound effects that appear in response to correct answers. There is also an unintimidating, try-again approach to incorrect answers. A progress report is posted at the bottom of the screen. A "help" feature displays the problem step by step until the final answer is found. Advancement to the next level occurs if problems are answered correctly, or it automatically returns to a lower level if your child needs more practice. Question-and-answer activities allow your child to interact with the computer so that the skills of reducing to the lowest terms and the relationship between mixed numerals and improper fractions are understood. A special regrouping feature helps your child in rewriting mixed numbers for easy problem solving. Report screens are personalized with your child's name at the end of each level. An "exit" screen with a complete report on your child's score a

FRACTIONS 1: SF 30219 - Released 1982 - MSRP $54.95 -- A Scott, Foresman educational cartridge.
ppears at the end of the work session. This is a self-paced "tutor", education at its best for a price that can't be beat.

FRACTIONS: ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION: PHD 5214 - Released 4Q/1983 - MSRP $49.95 -- TI PLATO educational application.

FRACTIONS: MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION: PHD 5215 - Released 4Q/1983 - MSRP $49.95 -- TI PLATO educational application.

FRACTIONS: TERMINOLOGY AND CONCEPTS: PHD 5213 - Released 4Q/1983 - MSRP $49.95 -- TI PLATO educational application.


FRAZZLE: TexWare Associates G015 - Released 1983 - MSRP $15.95 --

FREEFORM: A giveaway spreadsheet written by S. Dale Ander in June 1981 that Texas Instruments gave to users who purchased the p-Code system. The program documentation describes it as; ...a software package designed to provide prompted instructions for creation and utilization of mathematical forms as well as a report generation system. Freeform referred to its worksheets as Forms and each form had three dimensions; Page, Row and Column, something PC based spreadsheets didn't start offering until the late 1980's. See also ANDER, S. DALE.

FREEWAY FROGS: Bit Byte Bit Software-disk or tape - Released 1984 - MSRP $7.00 --

FROG JUMP: SF 31177 - Released 3Q/1983 - MSRP $39.95 -- A Scott, Foresman creation.

User Comments (provided by John E. Taylor and other members of the Shoals 99er Uer Group in 1985): Gives practice in counting and ordering numbers. Frog Jump is a one or two player game. The object of the one player game is to collect 20 lily pads in as little time as possible. In a two player game, the object is to be the first to collect 20 lily pads. When you select FROG JUMP from the menu you are asked to choose a level. The levels are HARD, HARDER, and HARDEST. Then you enter the names of the players up to 10 characters. You then get to select a color for your frog.

Your turn will begin when your name appears on the screen. the problem will appear on the screen, a musical tone sounds, the cursor flashes, and the timer begins. you type your answer as quickly as possible and press <enter>. The number of lily pads you win is determined by the number of seconds you use to answer the problem. Lily pads are awarded as follows:

TIME.........................LILY PADS
1-2 seconds-------------3
3-5 seconds-------------2
6-45 seconds------------1
Over 45 seconds--------0

This is an example of the difficulty levels.

HARD LEVEL "Give 1 more-97" (ans =98)
HARDER LEVEL "Give the next number-60,62,64" (ans 66)
HARDEST LEVEL "Give 100 more-2783" (ans 2883)

The hardest level can even prove a challenge for the adult. This is a good module for the whole family to use and have contests to collect lily pads.

FROG STICKERS: Navarone - Tenex #42119/Triton #BAAG - Released 1Q/1986 - MSRP $14.95 -- A Frogger clone where you are the Prince, who has been turned into a frog, and must cross the dangerous moat around the castle to get to the Princess, so she can kiss you and turn you back into a Prince.

FROGGER: Parker Brothers #PB1630/Tenex #25963/Triton #GAAV - Released 2Q/1984 - MSRP $19.95 -- A 1983 port of the popular arcade game from Sega that wasn't released for the TI-99/4A until 1984. According to the documentation, which carries no part number, "Leapin' Frogger! Home may look like it's only a hop, skip and a jump away, but looks can be deceiving. First, there's a dangerous highway to hop across, full of cars and trucks. Then there's a swirling river to leap, full of frog-eating creatures. How's a Frogger going to get home safely? By letting you hop him on his way. Guide Frogger safely through this journey, and you'll hop for joy!


Chicken - Ron Binkowski
Freeway Frogs - Bit Byte Bit Software (99er Aug83, p.39)
Froggie - Graphic Software (99er Apr83, p.40)

FROGGY: Extended Software Co.- Tenex# EXT 0100/EXT 0101 - Released 1982 - MSRP $9.95 -- Program makes good use of Sprites to provide fast action, TI Extended BASIC version of the Frogger arcade game. Highway has ten lanes of traffic (as opposed to 20 lanes that the chicken has to cross in Fowl Play) for the frog to cross, then a stream. Requires Extended BASIC. Joysticks are supported, but not required.

FULLER, PAUL: Staff Analyst with Don and Lucy Veith's National Ninety-Niner Newsletter in the early 1980s.

FUNHAUS: Great Lakes Software - Released 1983 - MSRP $15.00 --

FUNLWRITER/FUNNELWEB: Tony and Will McGovern - Released 1985 - MSRP $shareware --

FUNPAX 1: Not-Polyoptics-tape only - Released 1982 - MSRP $15.00 -- consisted of the games Maze of Ariel and Crosses sold as a bundle.

FUNPAX 2: Not-Polyoptics-tape only - Released 1982 - MSRP $15.00 -- consisted of the games Tickword and Cars & Carcasses sold as a bundle.

FUNPAX 1 and 2: Not-Polyoptics-tape only - Released 1982 - MSRP $20.00 -- consisted of the games Maze of Ariel, Crosses, Tickword and Cars & Carcasses sold as a bundle.

FUNWARE: A 405 North Bowser Building A, Richardson, TX 75081 cartridge software firm that produced Ambulance, Driving Demon, Pipes, Rabbit Trail, St. Nick and Video Vegas games for the TI-99/4A. The firm was started by former TI employee Michael Brouthers, but was purchased by Paul Zuzelo's Creative Software Company of Sunnyvale, CA in mid-1983. Brouthers is perhaps best remembered for his gutsy stance against TI's claim that only TI licensed software could or would run on the 99/4A computer. During the Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago, June 1983, Brouthers is reported to have boldly walked up to a 99/4A console at the Texas Instruments booth, and plugged in 1 or 2 of his company's cartridges to prove that they ran on the TI-99/4A system. He had not bowed to TI's pressure to license his software through their less-than-generous royalty program, and was able to demonstrate to everyone present, that his cartridge programs worked perfectly. The thumbnail to the left shows a full-page Funware advertisement from the January 1983 99er Magazine on page 71 where Funware advertised Ambulance, Ant Colony, Galactic Barrier, Henhouse, and Rabbit Trail cartridges as forthcoming for the TI-99/4A Home Computer. As far as I can determine, neither Ant Colony nor Galactic Barrier ever made it into production. See also CREATIVE SOFTWARE .

FUN HOUSE: Microcomputers Corp. - Tenex# MCP 0156 - Released 1982 - MSRP $14.95 -- A series of simple TI BASIC and TI Extended BASIC games, all on one disk. Requires Extended BASIC.

FUTURA BUSINESS SOFTWARE: A suite of TI-99/4A programs from Ehninger Associates PO Box 5581 Ft. Worth, TX 76108 (817-246-6536) including Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Inventory Managment, Mailing List, Payroll and Word Processing. As a package, they were available for $649.95.

FUTURA ENTERTAINMENT SOFTWARE: Game software titles released under the Futura banner.

Air Missile Command - Mark Sumner
All*Star Baseball
All*Star Bowling
C.I.A. Adventure - Jon Burt
Casino Pack
Challenge I
Challenge II
'Chutes and Sharks
'Copter Capers - Justin McCarthy
Cosmic Drift - Neil Weinstock
Death Station - Paul Tyma
Doomcastle - Sam Pincus
Dr. Nuttier
Dragon Game - Robert Dickerson
Escape from Atlantix
Fly Snuffer - Larry Lewis
Flying Saucer - Requires Extended BASIC
Fowl Play - Ron Binkowski
Galactic War
Getcha! - Ron Binkowski
Hopper - Mark Sumner
Ice Caverns of Xen
Laser Battle - William Hoffman
London Blitz
Mars Rover
Memory Match - a "Concentration" type game. Requires Extended BASIC.
Moon Bus
Monster 'Craze'
Newton's Revenge
Sam Defense
Starship Concord
The Hustler - Ron Binkowski
Viral Vendetta - Robert Dickerson

FUTURA ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Ehninger Associates Inc. - Unisource# FUT B 1020 - Released: 3Q/1981 - MSRP $149.95 -- Requirements -- TI or compatible Extended BASIC, two disk drives, printer, 32K Memory Expansion --

FUTURA ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: Ehninger Associates Inc. - Unisource# FUT B 1050 - Released: 3Q/1981 - MSRP $149.95 -- This is a program designed to keep track of your company's cash. It lets you manage up to 350 accounts, with each account accessible by Customer Name or Customer Acct#. The program keeps a record of all unpaid bills, and prints either of two trial balance reports. The first, called the Condensed Report, list one line for each account and shows the account balances in order of their age. The second report, called a Detail Report, prints a detailed list of all open items, again by age. Printing alphabetically by Customer Name is NOT supported. Other reports available include a monthly list of accounts, a customer sales analysis, a sales journal, and a cash journal. Files saved to disk can also be used by the Futura General Ledger. Requires Extended BASIC, two disk drives, printer, and 32K Memory Expansion.

FUTURA BILLING: Ehninger Associates Inc. - Tenex# FUT 0147 - Released 1981 - MSRP $149.95 -- Customer accounts may be retrieved by account number or name for multi-copy invoices or optionally packing lists. May be used for point-of-sale invoicing. Provides a complete audit trail with daily invoice registers and sales journals. Optional interface with Futura Inventory Management affords automatic adjustment of inventory quantities. May also be interfaced with the Futura Accounts Receivable and General Ledger.

FUTURA GENERAL LEDGER: Ehninger Associates Inc. - Unisource# FUT B 1010 - Released: 3Q/1981 - MSRP $139.95 -- General Journal entries. Accounts are accessed at random by account number during all phases of the operation. The integrity of data input is assured through complete edit and validation - will not permit posting of non-existent accounts; the account description is displayed each time an entry is made, for visual verification. The module provides five reports: (1) The General Journal; (2) Trial Balance; (3) Balance Sheet; (4) Income Statement for permanent record keeping; plus a "proof list" of the General Journal entries. Requires Extended BASIC, disk drive and printer.

FUTURA INVENTORY MANAGEMENT: Ehninger Associates Inc. - Unisource# FUT B 1060 - Released 3Q/1981 - MSRP $99.95 -- Provides for the maintenance of a Product/Inventory/Price file of 1300 + items, with a part number of up to 10 characters, and a description of up to 24 characters. Other features include warehouse location, taxable status, unit cost and two selling prices. In addition to printing purchase orders, the system will also provide a stock status report by product within a category, a below-minimum/out-of-stock report, sales and receipts logging, price lists and other. Full integration with the Futura Billing and Accounts Receivable modules are included options. Requires Extended BASIC, two disk drives, 132-column printer, and 32K Memory Expansion.

FUTURA MAILING LIST: Ehninger Associates Inc. - Unisource# FUT B 1040 - Released 3Q/1981 - MSRP $99.95 -- Provides for maintenance, selectrive retrieval, and printing of labels, either 1, 2, 3 or 4 across, for a file that can contain up to 500 names. Labels may be printed in different sequences such as by Last Name, or by Zip Code et cetera, or by a user specified search criteria. Up to 16 Group fields may be establshed and coded for selection; in addition, almost any data field may be included in the selection scheme. The system integrates with the Futura Word Processor and TI-Writer to provide personalized mass mailings. Requires Extended BASIC, one disk drive, printer, and 32K Memory Expansion.

FUTURA PAYROLL: Ehninger Associates Inc. - Unisource# FUT B 1070 - Released 3Q/1981 - MSRP $99.95 -- Processes personnel and payroll information for 150 active employees. Stores same historical data for 150 inactive employees. Prints earnings report, personnel data sheet, and (optionally) payroll checks. Withholds proper amount of taxes and provides necessary tax information to prepare quarterly and annual government reports. Requires Extended BASIC, two disk drives, printer, and 32K Memory Expansion.

FUTURA PERSONAL INCOME AND EXPENSE RECORD-KEEPING: Ehninger Associates Inc.- Unisource# FUT 5011 - MSRP $44.95 cassette and $49.95 disk -- Maintains income and expense data with up to 20 income sources, twenty bank accounts, 50 credit accounts and 100 expense categories. Requires Extended BASIC, 32K Memory Expansion, RS232 interface and printer.

FUTURA WORD PROCESSING: Ehninger Associates Inc. - Unisource# FUT B 1030 - Released 3Q/1981 - MSRP $99.95 -- Allows you to create, maintain and print any number of text files. Several separate text files may be combined to produce a single document. Yuou select line spcing and character types, as well as customized insertions. You set the margins, left/right, justification, headings, indentions etc. Upper and lower case print is used. Many fine editing functions allow you great flexibility while creating your letter, manuscript or document. You may enter the edit mode by issuing a command code at any time. Supports operations such as delete, insert, move and replace words or lines. Editor holds 4 pages of 8 1/2" x 11" pages of text at one time, and it keeps a tally of memory available. Also automatically interfaces with the Futura Mailing List to provide customized mass mailings. Requires Extended BASIC, one disk drive, printer, and 32K Memory Expansion.

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